01 June 2020

When the woman is the breadwinner in the family

I thought this was worth posting in its entirety from the TwoXChromosomes subreddit:

"I'm the breadwinner and my husband is a house spouse,  
and everyone we know has a serious problem with that. "
"When I got a good job in a low cost of living area where his job prospects were abysmal, he said he wanted to try his hand at being productive around the house, and see if he could come up with ways to save and make money from home. 
He's knocking it out of the park! He grows fruits and vegetables in a huge garden, has some fruit and nut trees going, learned how to can, makes all our food from scratch, does a great job with the housework, keeps bees as a hobby so he can get out of the house and go to the local beekeeping association meetings, has made us lots of interesting friends who keep bees, homebrews all our beer, and last week he learned how to make soap. I'm proud of him. He sells produce and honey at the Farmers market on weekends during the growing season. 
People act like he must sit around and play video games all day. The things they say are horrible. I had to stop talking to one friend because she told me to divorce him. It's crazy. If it was him working and me busting my butt at home, no one would say anything to me."
Comment thread at the link.


  1. It sounds as though they are both happy with their situation.

  2. Alas, I'm afraid that WOULD say something about the wife being at home, IF, as it appears, there are not children. There are some folks who would say, "What's she doing all day, anyway?"

    At the same time, there must be something that is part evolution and part culture that has less of a problem with a woman being at home than a man.

    But here's how the wife can fix it. Simply say that your husband is a MICRO-BREWER and raises ARTISAN HONEY. Boom! Now everyone shuts up, and if they ask how much he makes just say, "Let's just say he is more than earning his keep." SMILE

    1. I also recommend lying to avoid difficult situations. That was a lie.


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