10 February 2025

"I say it's spinach!"

Recently The New Yorker published a series of their cartoons from the 1930s.   The one embedded above struck a chord in my memory even though I'm not old enough to have lived then, so I must have encountered the line in some old book or movie.  When I researched it, I was delighted to discover that Wikipedia has an entire entry on this cartoon.
I say it's spinach (sometimes given in full as "I say it's spinach and I say the hell with it" or further abbreviated to just "spinach") is a 20th-century American idiom with the approximate meaning of "nonsense" or "rubbish". It is usually spoken or written as an anapodoton, with only the first part of the complete phrase ("I say it's spinach") given to imply the second part, which is what is actually meant: "I say the hell with it."

(Broccoli was a relative novelty at that time, just then being widely introduced by Italian immigrant growers to the tables of East Coast cities)

"The spinach joke" quickly became one of the New Yorker cartoon captions to enter the vernacular (later examples include Peter Arno's "Back to the drawing board!" and Peter Steiner's "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog"), becoming a bon mot of the 1930s, with continued, though diminishing, use into the early 21st century.

Irving Berlin's song "I Say It's Spinach (And the Hell with It)", which appeared in the 1932 musical Face the Music, used the full phrase: "Long as I'm yours, long as you're mine/Long as there's love and a moon to shine/I say it's spinach and the hell with it/The hell with it, that's all!" [YouTube here]

In Britain in the 19th century, "spinach" also meant "nonsense". This is presumably a coincidence, with an entirely different origin. Dickens uses the phrase "gammon and spinach" in this sense with Miss Mowcher in David Copperfield (published in 1849) saying "What a world of gammon and spinnage it is though, ain't it!" ("spinnage" being a now-obsolete variant of "spinach")
What a shame such a useful anapodoton has fallen out of favor.  TYWKIWDBI hereby proposes that the phrase be revived and re-entered into the common vernacular.  There are lots of times when one would like to say "bullshit"  or "hell with it," but circumstances render the expletives inappropriate.  So when you vehemently disagree with your boss, your grandmother, your clergy etc, just say "Spinach!"  If they ask what that means, you can truthfully say "It's an old term meaning 'nonsense'" without revealing the second part of the phrase.  

Word for the day: anapodonton

"An anapodoton (from Ancient Greek ἀναπόδοτον anapódoton: "that which lacks an apodosis, that is, the consequential clause in a conditional sentence), plural anapodota, is a rhetorical device related to the anacoluthon; both involve a thought being interrupted or discontinued before it is fully expressed. It is a figure of speech or discourse that is an incomplete sentence, consisting of a subject or complement without the requisite object. The stand-alone subordinate clause suggests or implies a subject (a main clause), but this is not actually provided.

As an intentional rhetorical device, it is generally used for set phrases, where the full form is understood, and would thus be tedious to spell out, as in "When in Rome [do as the Romans]."

Though grammatically incorrect, anapodoton is a commonplace feature of everyday informal speech. It, therefore, appears frequently in dramatic writing and in fiction in the form of direct speech or the representation of stream of consciousness.

"If you think I'm going to sit here and take your insults..."
(implied: "then you are mistaken")

"When life gives you lemons..."
(implied: "you make lemonade")

"If they came to hear me beg..."
(implied: "then they will be disappointed")

"When the going gets tough..."
(implied: "the tough get going")

"If you can’t stand the heat..."
(implied: "get out of the kitchen")

"Birds of a feather..."
(implied: "flock together")
Apologies to Wikipedia for excerpting virtually the entire article (thus not truly "excerpting"...)

First edition of Harry Potter sells for £21,000

The report I saw at Bloomberg indicated that this copy had originally been a library copy:
The book was described by auctioneers as being a "good example of an extremely scarce first edition first issue" with light wear and tear.  It was one of the 300 library editions as it has a library stamp on its title page and signs of a previous library slip card... Upon its release, publishers produced only a small number of copies because of uncertainty about whether or not the book would prove popular.
I was concerned that perhaps the book had been stolen from a library, but the BBC report indicates that the sale was by a reputable auction firm, so presumably the provenance/ownership had been verified.  But I remember reading in the past about valuable maps being razored out of library books (thus escaping detectors at doors).  John Farrier, if you are still visiting, is theft from libraries a cause for concern nowadays?  Or perhaps other librarians can comment.

Embedded image cropped for size from the original at the BBC.

About those pennies...

Pennies are in the news today because Donald Trump has ordered that their production be terminated immediately.  That's fine, and is something I have advocated back in 2011 and predicted would happen "soon" back in 2012, when Canada eliminated their pennies.

Just to clarify the details regarding the cost and savings:
"Mint operations are funded through the Mint Public Enterprise Fund (PEF), 31 U.S.C. § 5136. The Mint generates revenue through the sale of circulating coins to the Federal Reserve Banks (FRB), numismatic products to the public, and bullion coins to authorized purchasers. All circulating and numismatic operating expenses, along with capital investments incurred for the Mint’s operations and programs, are paid out of the PEF. By law, all funds in the PEF are available without fiscal year limitation. Revenues determined to be in excess of the amount required by the PEF are transferred to the United States Treasury General Fund."
The mint makes money (both literally and figuratively).  Any current losses from producing pennies are overshadowed by profits from paper dollars, commemorative coins, proof sets, etc.

The embedded image is of a penny on the planet Mars.

Pure joy


Five-year-old Pernille plays in a field with 14 German Shepherds from kennel Finika in Norway.  A mental health break from The Dish.

Reposted from 2013 because we need more moments of joy, even if only to watch. 

08 February 2025


"It was a favourite form of heraldic expression used in the Middle Ages to denote surnames. For example, in its basic form, three salmon (fish) are used to denote the surname "Salmon". A more sophisticated example was the rebus of Bishop Walter Lyhart (d. 1472) of Norwich, consisting of a stag (or hart) lying down in a conventional representation of water. The composition alludes to the name, profession or personal characteristics of the bearer, and speaks to the beholder Non verbis, sed rebus, which Latin expression signifies "not by words but by things" (res, rei (f), a thing, object, matter; rebus being ablative plural)."

Found at the Rebus subreddit, where there are lots more rebuses to tackle.

07 February 2025

Trump supports the ethnic cleansing of Palestine

As reported by The Guardian on Tuesday and Wednesday:
Donald Trump has vowed that the US will “take over” war-ravaged Gaza and “own it”, effectively endorsing the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, in an announcement shocking even by the standards of his norm-shattering presidency...

“The only reason the Palestinians want to go back to Gaza is they have no alternative,” the president told a joint press conference with the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, at the White House on Tuesday evening. “It’s right now a demolition site. This is just a demolition site. Virtually every building is down.”..

Arguing that Palestinians could live out their lives in “peace and harmony” elsewhere, Trump continued: “The US will take over the Gaza Strip and we will do a job with it, too. We’ll own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site.

If it’s necessary, we’ll do that, we’re going to take over that piece, we’re going to develop it, create thousands and thousands of jobs, and it’ll be something that the entire Middle East can be very proud of.”

“If we could find the right piece of land, or numerous pieces of land, and build them some really nice places with plenty of money in the area, that’s for sure. I think that would be a lot better than going back to Gaza,” he said.  When asked where such places might be, he suggested they could be in Jordan, Egypt or “other places. You could have more than two."

“You’d have people living in a place that could be very beautiful, and safe and nice. Gaza’s been a disaster for decades.”  Asked about the reaction of Palestinian and other Arab leaders to his proposal, Trump said: “I don’t know how they could want to stay.”

 “Everybody I’ve spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land,” he said.

Trump confirmed he was withdrawing the US from the United Nations human rights council and prohibiting future funding for the main UN agency serving Palestinians in the occupied territories.

Pressed on who would live in a redeveloped Gaza, Trump said it could become a home to “the world’s people”, adding: “I don’t want to be cute, I don’t want to be a wise guy – but the Riviera of the Middle East … This could be something that could be so valuable, this could be so magnificent.”

Many of Trump’s allies support these settler projects, either politically or financially. The former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee, an evangelical Christian who has denied that Palestinians even exist as a people, travelled to Israel during Trump’s first term to physically lay a brick in a settlement in the West Bank.

Last year, Kushner, a former property dealer married to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, praised the “very valuable” potential of Gaza’s “waterfront property” and suggested Israel should remove civilians while it “cleans up” the strip.
The proposal is couched in the terms of real-estate development and "job creation," but lets call it what is is: ethnic cleansing (examples from history). More specifically, Trump's proposal is an extension of the Nakba instituted by Zionist leaders in 1948 when Palestine was a post-war mandate of the United Kingdon.  The process proceeded incrementally in subsequent decades, then was accelerated by the Netanyahu government, and now is being legitimized and accelerated by the Trump administration.

There was an excellent op-ed on this in The Guardian on Thursday:
“They make a desert and call it peace,” said Tacitus, paraphrasing Calgacus.

Israel, meanwhile, has made a graveyard of Gaza, and Donald Trump is calling it a real estate opportunity... While waxing lyrical about his planned crimes against humanity, Trump said “we’re talking about probably 1.7 million, maybe 1.8 million” people in Gaza who would need to be moved...

And, yes, the fact that the president is being so blunt, so open, about what he wants to do is shocking. But the idea that the US and Israel might want to get rid of all the Palestinians in the strip should hardly come as a shock to anyone. This, after all, is in effect what Israel’s politicians and pundits, along with Israel’s supporters, have been saying all along: they want to make Gaza unliveable and get all the Palestinians out.

In October 2023, for example, Ma Gen Giora Eiland, who is highly influential, wrote in an Israeli paper: “The State of Israel has no choice but to turn Gaza into a place that is temporarily or permanently impossible to live in.” In another article, Eiland wrote: “Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist.”...

In simple terms, however, Reynolds thinks that Trump is clearly calling for a crime against humanity. Whether it is best to call that ethnic cleansing or forced displacement is somewhat more complicated. But, again, what Trump wants to do clearly violates international law and would be a crime against humanity.

Will Trump actually get what he wants? Who knows. But the fact that Trump is even voicing these plans, and many lawmakers are nodding along, speaks volumes about just how much Palestinians have been dehumanized.
I made an additional contribution to the World Central Kitchen today, specifying that my funds should be directed toward the Chefs for Gaza program.
"WCK is operating three Field Kitchens in Deir al-Balah, Khan Younis, and Al-Mawasi, alongside a network of 80+ Palestinian-led community kitchens delivering meals to refugee camps, hospitals, and schools-turned-shelters.

We have secured an agreement with the Jordanian government for five daily aid trucks, with plans to scale up. Since October, WCK has transported more than 2,600 truckloads of food into Gaza from Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Italy, and Turkey.

We are also grateful to share that a high-capacity mobile bakery, generously donated to WCK by King Abdullah II of Jordan and supported by the Jordanian royal family and Armed Forces, is now producing 3,000 pitas per hour—a vital source of nourishment and comfort for displaced families."
For those interested in reading more about Palestine, the best book I know of is Israeli historian Ilan Pappe's, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (2007), available from your library.

I'll leave comments open for a while.  Please be civil.

05 February 2025

Photo taken at sunset - looking EAST !!

Explained at NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day website:
Explanation: Yes, but can your rainbow do this? Late in the day, the Sun set as usual toward the west. However, on this day, the more interesting display was 180 degrees around -- toward the east. There, not only was a rainbow visible, but an impressive display of anticrepuscular rays from the rainbow's center. In the featured image from Lekeitio in northern Spain, the Sun is behind the camera. The rainbow resulted from sunlight reflecting back from falling rain. Anticrepuscular rays result from sunlight, blocked by some clouds, going all the way around the sky, overhead, and appearing to converge on the opposite horizon -- an optical illusion. Rainbows by themselves can be exciting to see, and anticrepuscular rays a rare treat, but capturing them both together is even more unusual -- and can look both serene and surreal.

A dozen relevant links at the source. 

Addendum:  the most amazing fact is that those anticrepuscular rays are NOT converging in the distance.  All of them are PARALLEL lines.  The "convergence" is an optical illusion similar to railroad tracks or highways extending into the distance.

04 February 2025

Divertimento #196

"Her most popular videos by far are about vaginal lightening, which involves using a specialized treatment to lighten the vulva or general bikini area. (It does not, as the term would seem to imply, lighten the vagina itself, which is located on the inside of the body.) Most practitioners treat the labia majora, or the external lips of the vulva; many people request lightening the labia minora, or inner lips, as well, though this is not recommended and many practitioners will not do it.  In her practice, Taub estimates that she gets four or five requests for the treatment per day; in terms of the popularity of the services she offers, she says it is a “50-50” split between vaginal lightening and laser hair removal."

An extended explanation of what it means when you start seeing "floaters" in your eyes.

In 2018 the NFL was entering the "golden age of punters", who "are now neutralizing and terrorizing the most electric return men in the NFL with kicks that spin and move and bounce and flip in all sorts of unpredictable, terror-inducing ways."

The life of a professional (licensed) safecracker.  "Charlie Santore was not arrested by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office that day, and he did get the safe open. It would also prove to be the first of many such calls, as more and more homeowners in the burn zone would return to discover nothing but a safe standing where a long-cherished family house used to be. Their belongings had been reduced to whatever was locked inside that box. Santore was there to help them retrieve those possessions, rolling up in his sagging Mercedes, ready to get to work."

“Wonder Woman” follows a long line of Jewish ties to comic book characters. Many superheroes were created by Jews, according to Haaretz, including Superman, Captain America, Batman, Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four, Ironman, the X-Men, Thor and the Avengers. Since daily newspapers in the 1930s would not accept illustrations by Jews, Haaretz reports, many Jews found a home in comic book publishing.

4,400-year-old Egyptian tomb opened; walls covered with painted sculptures and figures.

The odd and unexplainable side effects of head trauma ("why some people become sudden geniuses").

Accumulated hippo feces create lethally anoxic water that kills all aerobic life in it.  The same article notes that "migrating wildebeest nourish the Serengeti by drowning en masse in the Mara, adding about 1,100 tons of dead meat to the river every year."  This is an Ed Yong article.

While writing the above entry I learned that the word "feces" is a plurale tantum - a noun that exists only in the pleural sense.  That's worth a full post in the blog.  Later.

How to "game the system" for recharging electric scooters.

The harsh life of musk oxen - including burial by an ice tsunami.

On Friday, J.K. Rowling's Pottermore, the official online companion compendium for all things Harry Potter, revealed another surprising tidbit that threw fans for a Quidditch loop. "Hogwarts didn't always have bathrooms," the tweet in question reads. "Before adopting Muggle plumbing methods in the eighteenth century, witches and wizards simply relieved themselves wherever they stood, and vanished the evidence."  Also discussed here.

Jacqueline Ades sent a man more than 159,000 text messages — some of which were threatening — over the course of nearly 10 months...The two went on a single date... One text read: "I'd make sushi outta ur kidneys n chopsticks outta ur hand bones."

A longread about how genetic information is implemented.  "“The modern synthesis has got causality in biology wrong … DNA on its own does absolutely nothing until activated by the rest of the system … DNA is not a cause in an active sense. I think it is better described as a passive data base which is used by the organism to enable it to make the proteins that it requires.” "This explains why humans seem to have only a few more genes than flies or mice (around 20,000), while a carrot has 45,000! There is no correlation between the complexity of living things and the number of genes they have. But there is a correlation with the evolving complexity of regulatory networks. Counting genes to understand the whole is like judging a body of literature by counting letters. It can’t be done."

"Scary" formatting of a church sign.

BBC article has photos of an unfortunate carpet python in Australia covered with 500 ticks.

A sports op-ed opining that in football "Kickers exist mostly so coaches will have someone to blame when they lose a close game," and suggesting that field goals should be reduced to one point.

If you rob a bank, don't make your getaway on an electric scooter.

"Saturn's rings are only 10 to 100 million years old. This is much younger than the planet itself, which is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old."  So the first dinosaurs and mammals on earth, had they looked up, would not have seen rings on Saturn.

"Europeans have found the secret to making some of the world's costliest medicines more affordable, as much as 80 percent cheaper than in the U.S.  Governments in Europe have compelled drugmakers to bend on prices and have thrown open the market for so-called biosimilars, which are cheaper copies of biologic drugs made from living organisms. The brand-name products — ranging from Humira for rheumatoid arthritis to Avastin for cancer — are high-priced drugs that account for 40 percent of U.S. pharmaceutical sales.  European patients can choose from dozens of biosimilars, 50 in all, which have stoked competition and driven prices lower. However, the U.S. government stops short of negotiating and drugmakers with brand-name biologics have used a variety of strategies — from special contracting deals to overlapping patents — to block copycat versions from entering the United States or gaining market share."

An allergy to corn can make your life a living hell, because it is in so many foods and non-food.products.

"Veterinarian school is costly. Recent studies conducted by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the industry’s largest nonprofit advocacy entity, show that the average veterinary student now graduates with $143,000 or more in debt; about 1 in 5 leave school with more than $200,000 to pay off. Veterinary salaries — which start at about $67,000 a year — aren’t keeping pace with rising tuition rates."  Many vets commit suicide.  "Another key driver of this suicide crisis: Veterinarians are consistently asked to act as animal undertakers. Euthanizing animals can cause what a recent study referred to as ethical conflict and moral distress, which arises when vets are forced to put aside their expert opinions and accept pet owners’ decisions about if and when to put their animals down. More so, this proximity to death makes dying seem like a reasonable way to ease suffering."

Very unfortunate optics of a cereal promotion.

Australian woman bitten in the nether regions by a carpet python that was in her toilet bowl.  A good reminder to look in the bowl before sitting down.  Pix at the link.

“Unlike most other hard liquors, tequila doesn’t spike your blood sugar, which means even people with type 2 diabetes can drink it — in fact, it may even lower glucose levels and increase insulin production.”  I doubt that's true, but haven't researched it.

"...at least 1,000 women and girls in the UK had been subjected to [breast ironing]... whereby mothers, aunties or grandmothers use a hot stone to massage across the breast repeatedly in order to “break the tissue” and slow its growth."

"But St. Louis prosecutors on Friday evening came to a different conclusion. The [police] officers, they say, were playing a deadly game — pointing a gun with one round in the chamber at each other and then pulling the trigger.

Police departments seize money and don't return it.  "When a man barged into Isiah Kinloch’s apartment and broke a bottle over his head, the North Charleston resident called 911. After cops arrived on that day in 2015, they searched the injured man’s home and found an ounce of marijuana. So they took $1,800 in cash from his apartment and kept it." "Police are systematically seizing cash and property — many times from people who aren’t guilty of a crime — netting millions of dollars each year. South Carolina law enforcement profits from this policing tactic: the bulk of the money ends up in its possession."

"Consistent with other analyses, Hiya’s report found that the number of robo-calls is on the rise. Roughly 26.3 billion robo-calls were placed to U.S. phone numbers last year, Hiya said, up from 18 billion in 2017. One report last year projected that as many as half of all cellphone calls in 2019 could be spam."

"The complete 14 Batman window cameos"

"The study, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said nearly 40 percent of children ages 3 to 6 used more toothpaste than recommended by dental professionals. For young children with emerging teeth, swallowing too much fluoride toothpaste can cause discoloration of their teeth, a condition called dental fluorosis."

"In fact, if you’ve been eating breakfast to stave off weight gain, researchers are increasingly learning that breakfast might have the opposite of the desired effect — it can promote more calorie consumption and weight gain. But even the best available studies in the mix have serious limitations.  Before we get into what the science says, it’s worth understanding how the myth of breakfast was created..."

Genealogical relationships of Presidents of the United States.  Some second- , third- , and fourth-cousins in the early years.  But Warren G. Harding is ninth cousin to both Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter.  Trump is related to three previous presidents, and Obama to five.

"A 24-year-old man in Fort Worth, Texas has died after a vape pen he was using exploded in his face and severed an artery to his brain"

The best article I've read on kleptocracy (written in 2019, but prob has increasing relevance today.

A home-made water-cooled 72,000 LED flashlight.  Video compares it to a 500-lumen flashlight.

Bumper stickers of a crazy sociopath.

A composite image of 100 vulvas.  "Vulvas are rarely seen outside porn and childbirth, which Dodsworth puts down partly to their position on the body. “Cocks are right there at the front. They are visible, whereas vulvas aren’t. If you’re a straight woman, you don’t see many.” And, as she writes in her book, they’re not easy to look at: “Let’s be honest, it’s tricky to witness our vulvas for ourselves, legs awkwardly astride pocket mirrors, bums shuffled up close to full-length mirrors, or taking a selfie with the unflattering lens of a smartphone.”

"The healthcare industry has for decades attributed widespread understaffing issues to a nursing shortage... But according to research and projections conducted by the US Health Resources and Services Administration, most states have nurse surpluses that are projected to grow over the next decade. Instead, nurses’ advocates say, the shortage is simply a reluctance by companies to cut profit margins by hiring enough staff. “It’s a convenient argument for the industry to validate their underresourcing of registered nurses on the floor, simply saying there’s a nursing shortage, but there isn’t,” said Michelle Mahon, nursing practice representative and organizer with National Nurses United, the largest labor union of registered nurses in the US. “It’s a market decision that benefits the employer,” she added."

An account of the massive carnage resulting from an "inland cyclone" in Queensland in 2019.

A 2019 op-ed criticized Democratic party officials for trying to silence Ilhan Omar, whose "foreign policy views are far more in line with voters than the disconnected party establishment."

A BBC article on "fish pirates." “Approximately 20% of all global catch is illegal, unreported or unregulated,”... And the impacts are widespread, hurting the fish stocks themselves, the fishing industry and consumer trust. “If illegal fishing ultimately could result in stocks collapsing, this will then affect the livelihood of fishers across the globe.”

The embedded images are from a Smithsonian article on How Microbiologists Craft Stunning Art Using Pathogens. Details at the link.

And having read through all these links, what will you do with your newfound knowledge?

I paid $7.99 for a dozen eggs this morning

I've been blogging about bird flu for a long time and wondering when it would show up in grocery shopping.  The graph above is from Bloomberg.

I'm not screaming bloody murder because I can still have breakfast for under $2, but of course this cost is going to metastasize through the food production chain to affect everything else that contains eggs or egg proteins.
American restaurants are falling victim to a national egg shortage that has already plagued grocery stores from New York City to San Francisco and sent prices to $7 a carton.... the breakfast chain is planning to switch to liquid eggs for dishes such as omelets, scrambled eggs and batters, he said. It has less wiggle room for other offerings such as sunny-side-up eggs.

Some 104 million egg-laying hens have been lost since the outbreak started in 2022, with 29 million killed since October, according farmer group United Egg Producers. That’s resulted in shortages at grocery stores at a time when shoppers just keep on buying more.

Organic eggs have been in short supply too. Over the weekend, refrigerated shelves were almost completely bare at a ShopRite in Brooklyn. The few crates left were priced at about $1 per egg.
It will be interesting to see how this gets blamed on the Biden administration.

Language phrase of the day: "Plurale tantum"

While preparing the next linkfest I came across mention that "feces" is only a plural noun.  
A plurale tantum (Latin for 'plural only'; pl. pluralia tantum) is a noun that appears only in the plural form and does not have a singular variant for referring to a single object. 

In English, pluralia tantum are often words that denote objects that occur or function as pairs or sets, such as spectacles, trousers, pants, scissors, clothes, or genitals. Other examples are for collections that, like alms, cannot conceivably be singular. Other examples include suds, jeans, outskirts, odds, riches, gallows (although later treated as singular), surroundings, thanks, and heroics.

In English, a word may have many definitions only some of which are pluralia tantum. The word "glasses" (a set of corrective lenses to improve eyesight) is plurale tantum. In contrast, the word "glass"—either a container for drinks (a count noun) or a vitreous substance (a mass noun)—may be singular or plural. Some words, such as "brain" and "intestine", can be used as either plurale tantum nouns or count nouns.

The term for a noun that appears only in the singular form is singulare tantum (pl.: singularia tantum), such as the English words: information, dust, and wealth.
And while we're at it, see ...

The two spellings’ coexistence – some call it competition – is not unusual: witness appendixes and appendices, formulas and formulae, millenniums and millennia, referendums and referenda, stadiums and stadia, and thesauruses and thesauri, all used regularly...

There are no hard and fast rules about which plural to use and when. In certain cases the Latin is more formal or even affected, but not predictably so. Occasionally the two spellings differentiate in meaning. For example, stigmata normally implies a religious context, while stigmas is the general-purpose plural. Some authorities advise limiting mediums to spiritualists and using media for all other senses of the word, but usage varies.

03 February 2025

"Who by fire?"

YouTube link.

In 2019 I watched American Animals, a sort of true-crime docudrama about four inept students who try to steal rare books from a university library.  I'm not going to review the movie, but I did want to feature the bit of soundtrack in the clip embedded above.

This was the penultimate song, accompanying the apprehension of the students by teams of FBI agents.  As I watched the movie, this song sounded medieval, like a chant by monks or witches.  It was unfamiliar to me, and I had to search the lyrics online:
And who by fire, who by water
Who in the sunshine, who in the night time
Who by high ordeal, who by common trial
Who in your merry merry month of May, who by very slow decay
And who shall I say is calling?

And who in her lonely slip, who by barbiturate
Who in these realms of love, who by something blunt
And who by avalanche, who by powder
Who for his greed, who for his hunger
And who shall I say is calling?

And who by brave assent, who by accident
Who in solitude, who in this mirror
Who by his lady's command, who by his own hand
Who in mortal chains, who in power
And who shall I say is calling?
The song is by Leonard Cohen, who explained it as follows:
"The melody on which this next song is based I first heard when I was four or five years old, in the synagogue, on the Day of Atonement, standing beside my tall uncles in their black suits. It¹s a liturgical prayer that talks about the way in which you can quit this vale of tears. It’s according to a tradition, an ancient tradition that on a certain day of the year, the Book of Life is opened, and in it is inscribed the names of all those who will live and all those who will die, who by fire, who by water…"

Reposted from 2019 to note that this song is currently featured in the introduction to Bad Sisters, season 2, which I'll review when I finish watching.

Add "ing" to the title of a movie. Now what is the storyline of the movie?

 That was the challenge in an AskReddit post 6 years ago.  Here are some of the replies:
Hooking - Peter Pan's just trying to make extra money before the holidays

The Ringing -  tinnitus coming out of the TV

Ghosting - Patrick Swayze doesn't know how to say goodbye

Jack Frosting - A tale of a cake decorator

The Jungle Booking - Tales of a Sri Lankan corrections officer

Dude, Where’s My Caring? - Two wild dudes learn the true meaning of compassion
Lots more at the link.  Readers are invited to add their own have added dozens more in the comments.

Automobile tires were originally WHITE

Knowing this will win you some bar bets: "early tires were white, and only around World War I did they turn black."
“Original tires had a lighter shade because of the natural color of rubber,” a company representative told me. “Carbon black [a fine manufactured soot] was added to the rubber compound in [circa 1917] and produced a tenfold increase in wear resistance.”  "...a tire without carbon black would last “less than 5,000 miles...

The Michelin spokesperson went on, saying carbon black represents about a quarter to 30 percent of the composition of the rubber used in tires today, and in addition to making them more wear resistant, the material that gives tires their black color is also good at protecting tires against ultraviolet rays that can cause cracking, and it also improves grip and general road handling.
Embedded image (credit David Tracy) and text from Jalopnik.  More info with pix at Coker Tire (which specializes in whitewall tires), and at Just A Car Guy.

Addendum:  And a tip of the blogging cap to reader Drabkikker, who notes that the original Michelin Man was white:


I don't know where or when I encountered this word; it's been on my "words" list for years waiting to be looked up.  I was a bit surprised by what I found in the OED:
1a. The son or daughter of (one's) uncle or aunt; (one's) first cousin. (1826 R. Southey Lett. to C. Butler 232 The marriage of cousin-germans‥was allowed in the first ages of the church.)
2. A person or thing closely related or allied to another; a near relative. 1822 W. Irving Bracebridge Hall (U.K. ed.) II. 85, I had been apt to confound them [sc. rooks] with their cousins-german, the crows.)
One's brother and sister can similarly be called your "brother-german" and "sister-german," with some implications for the genetics.  Nowadays the term means the person is your brother/sister via both your parents, as opposed to a "brother on the father's side" or a "brother-uterine" (brother via your mother with a different father).

And the "german" part?  Here's the head-slap moment - it's a variant of "germain" [O.F. < Latin], which of course means "closely-related" or "relevant."

I was going to publish this without a picture, but when I ran the term through Google Images, I kept seeing moths.  Turns out there are several species of moths called the "Cousin German."  The embedded one I found here; the UK Moths site says "A rare and local species, restricted to birch woodland in the Highlands of central Scotland.  They are also illustrated in BugGuide.  Why they should have been given that common name, I have no idea.

Reposted from 2011 to add this useful graphic:

Via the mildlyinteresting subreddit.
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