02 May 2010

An art installation made of dead flies

And a pair of shoes.  Mustn't forget the shoes, because they are part of the title: Shoes that break the Silence (2007, by Antonio Gonzales Paucar).  The dead flies are suspended on a series of threads.

I don't believe I can offer any incisive commentary.  I'm at a loss for words...

More here about the artist, who also "brings thousands of dandelions together into plastic bags (as containers of industrial origin) in a manner that gives a sculptural character to these raw materials..."

Via Illusion 360.


  1. beats some of the blank canvases (or mostly blank ones) I've seen hanging in galleries as prestigious as the NY Metropolitan Art Gallery. If you forget for a moment those are flies, it's an interesting art sculpture.

  2. Love it. How could ya not when it's so damn cool and fun to boot!

  3. reminds me of this photo:


  4. er, and by photo I meant album cover. And a good album to boot. But very strange -- not for everyone.

  5. Ooh, I love this. Very striking. I like it that they're flies because that gives you the sense of motion--the flies streaming out of (or, even weirder, into) the shoes.

    Dunno about the dandelions, though...


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