This photo will speak strongly to many people, and will mean different (and widely varying) things. I'll offer it without editorial commentary.
Souce unknown. Click to enlarge.
Addendum: Location identified by Seattle Sailor - "It's the Czech Republic. The berets and uniforms are Czech. Another clue is the "Skorpion" machine pistol in front of the kid in the red shirt. These were originally manufactured in the former Czechoslovakia. Also there's a "Dragunov" style sniper rifle and an AK bayonet." (Thanks!)
Good lord. Leaving out the entire debate on gun ownership, can I just share my open-mouthed astonishment that the people apparently designated to make sure these kids are safely handling the guns seem to be otherwise occupied? Now, perhaps there are some people on the near side of the table who aren't in the photo. But if there are, then this is also a gun handling mistake -- guns should never ever be pointed at another person, and it doesn't matter how much you KNOW they're unloaded. There shouldn't be anything but a dirt berm on the near side of that table. Also, given the age of these children, there should really be a one-to-one ratio of adults to kids handling guns. If there are too many kids, then they can wait their turn in line.
ReplyDeleteAs a former concealed carry permit holder, I went through extensive training on gun safety and handling, and this photo breaks all the rules.
As a conservative, gun owner, and former law enforcement officer, I am not only appalled at this photo, but outraged. It is this kind of irresponsible behavior that gives gun control advocates the ammunition to regulate firearms, as worse...endangers people. Guns are not toys and should not be treated as such.
ReplyDeleteis this even in the US? Those color berets are not worn by US troops.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of the story last year about the eight year old boy who was allowed to fire a machine pistol at a full-auto weapons fair...with tragic results.
ReplyDeleteI usually don't comment but I had to on this. First, I don't think this is in the US, judging by the weapons and military uniform this looks more like an eastern European setting but that's just a casual observation. Second, I agree with the previous posts and am disappointed with the supervision of the kids but we don't know the whole story of the picture. The guns could have all of their internals removed and slides welded into place. That being said this is still not teaching children how to handle guns (as Fletcher said) appropriately in the future and based solely on that it is irresponsible.
ReplyDelete@bill - I also did not think this was from the U.S. when I posted it - guessing a Nordic country or maybe Poland. Hoping that someone here will recognize the uniforms or the photo as being from their country and perhaps offer some insight as to what's going on.
ReplyDelete@Bill and @Minnesotastan: I don't think there's another country in the world where guns are so readily available and casually treated. It's gotta be the USA.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the behavior is "American," but I also note about 10 cars in the parking lot, only one of which is a large SUV - doesn't sound very American...
ReplyDeleteI Googled green beret and saw such worn by Austrians - though the color seems a bit different.
A reverse image search with TinEye gave me just one hit, at this Russian link -
- but that seems to be a photoaggregator with not just Russian pix.
It's the Czech Republic. The berets and uniforms are Czech. Another clue is the "Skorpion" machine pistol in front of the kid in the red shirt. These were originally manufactured in the former Czechoslovakia. Also there's a "Dragunov" style sniper rifle and an AK bayonet.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, this seems wildly inappropriate, but if I were one of those kids I would be psyched.
in oct of 2008 at a gun show in mass. a 12 year old WHO WAS FIRING AN UZI died. why would ANYONE allow a 12 year old to fire an uzi? you may not want to comment on the photo but i will
(oh one of the sponsors or owners of the gun club where the show was, was a police chief)