28 February 2011

"Zenga Zenga"

Noy Alooshe, an Israeli journalist/musician has remixed one of Muammar Qaddafi's ranting speeches to a hip-hop beat.  It has now gone viral on the internet in the Arabian world.  Further details at PRI's The World, the New York Times, and the Washington Times, which note that Alooshe has also redone the video without the dancing girl embeds so that it can be enjoyed by the more devout citizens of Libya.


  1. No dictator has shown this level of flair since Idi Amin. I'm going to miss him.

    (of course I don't live there)

  2. that was not the under the umbrella speech this was the under the umbrella speech: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oAw20Fp0o

  3. You are quite right; text fixed. Thanks for the heads-up.


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