Nature and science
Hailstorm in Calgary
Tensegrity table (if I ever get transported back in time to Medieval Europe, I will support myself by building these and selling them to nobility).
"Thermal runaway" in a cellphone
Fossilized leaf in shale
Man helps king cobra cool off during heatwave
Showing why you do not look out the window at a tornado coming your way
A pod of dolphins
Field of lupine in bloom

Dogs show two ways to navigate a building site
Cat wants treats
Warthog and mongooses
Silverback gorilla interacts with keeper
Not a leaf
Impressive or clever
Analog clock powered by sliding down an incline
Dragon made from dough
Protest march in Seattle conducted silently in the rain
Specialized equipment for removing rocks from a field
Pivoting belt sorter
Remote-controlled helicopter does stunts
Machine for making beetle-juice perhaps
Bowler fails at cheating
Low intelligence porch pirate
Incident at a boat storage facility
Young man fails the "fire challenge"
Can't make popcorn
Youths assault one another with fireworks
Protests, police, etc.
Officer chokes an unresisting person who was not under arrest
11-year old girl wants to leave school. ??why not let her go??
Variable application of dress code. Appropriate corporate response.
Sports and athleticism
Murdered boy makes soccer goal with assistance of friends
It would be hard to do this if you tried
Extreme jumprope
One chance in a million
Humorous or cheerful
John Cleese's rant on extremism
Man steals parking spot and flashes finger; woman provides instant karma
Man retrieves his pet from public pool
"Hedgehog bowling"
Dog barks at small cat. Cat responds.
CEO explains how he worked his way up the corporate ladder
Woman tells daughter strange man asked to see her boobs.
Figured out those embedded graphics yet??
Would have been a lead pipe cinch if mode of transportation had been graphed.
ReplyDeleteYes, it's a murder book in art form, or, I haven't a Clue, doh !
ReplyDeleteDespite my loathing for the notion that Shakespeare couldn't have written the plays because only college graduates can be geniuses, I point this out to you because I know you believe it - there's a documentary on your man de Vere - that takes the position that it was de Vere. I haven't seen it, but I plan to. I'm hoping they can explain how de Vere wrote the later plays after he was dead. It's available on Hulu.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Bub, for remembering my interest in the de Vere authorship theory. Some day I should write along explanation of the rationale and evidence behind it (perhaps this video will be useful - I'll check it out).
DeleteBut in brief, certainly anyone can be a genius, regardless of their educational level. Savants have incredible memory skills and mathematical skills. But "genius"-level brain activity doesn't provide a person with intimate knowledge of complex legal matters and relevant case studies. It doesn't provide an understanding of advanced science. It doesn't bestow upon you the knowledge of the layout of the streets of Venice. Only education can provide information of that type - one can't intuit those types of facts.
Nope, didn't explain it. Didn't even try "well he must have stockpiled them before he died." The author of the plays was collaborating with George Wilkins at least three years after de Vere's death -,_Prince_of_Tyre#Date_and_text which computer analysis of word use seems to have proven to the satisfaction of people who care about these things (note I said "author of the plays"). As for "had to be a nobleman", Ben Johnson was raised by a brick layer, Christopher Marlow's father was a shoemaker, and John Fletcher's father was a cleric (the author of the plays also collaborated with Fletcher on Henry the VIII in 1613 [9 years after de Vere died} which was the play that resulted in the Globe burning down). The man from Avon retired thereafter and there were no further collaborations (that we know of) tied to the author of the plays.
ReplyDeleteThe supposition that Wilkins and the Stratford man collaborated on Pericles is purely speculation.
DeleteThe story on which the play Pericles was based was originally written by Laurence Twyne back in 1576. Edward de Vere knew the Twyne family including Laurence Twyne's brother Thomas to whom he had rented rooms back in 1573 when Thomas was translating a book about the history of England.
In 1576 Edward de Vere traveled to France by boat on a ship that was intercepted by pirates. That year Laurence Twyne writes his Pericles involving pirates, probably in collaboration with de Vere.
In 1608 George Wilkins plagiarized the Twyne/de Vere work, adding his own substandard material. He likely acquired the unpublished manuscript from the estate of de Vere.
And I totally don't understand how you imply that playwrights' parentage is relevant. Ben Jonson was classically educated at Westminster School. Marlowe attended the King's School and Corpus Christi College in Cambridge, amd John Fletcher also attended Corpus Christi College.
I have never said that the author of the Shakespeare works "had to be a nobleman." But I will say that he or she had to be well educated.
fletcher didn't even begin to write until two years after de Vere died. Why did he wait another seven years to borrow de Vere's late work? There were so many people who collaborated with Shakespeare, knew and admired him, that it isn't reasonable to believe that none of them noticed he had no literary talent. Some of de Vere's poetry still exists - someone should do one of those word comparison computer studies to see if they match up with the plays.