Last night I altered the design of the blog - just a minor "tweak," but I think it might be useful.
In the right sidebar is a "Blog Archive," which allows access to past posts. I moved it from the bottom of the sidebar to the middle, and I have now changed the style of that archive to a "nested" format, as shown in the screencap at right.
With the number of posts approaching 10,000 the clickable nesting allows me to search out relevant past material more easily when I know the approximate month it was written; it's just a matter of clicking a year, then a month, and viewing a dropdown list of the titles of all the posts.
I think this will also be a useful feature for the casual visitor, or a regular viewer who wants to explore material written before he/she started routinely visiting. Next week I'll be taking another "blogcation" to get started on my income taxes, do some spring cleaning chores, and do some gardening; during that time those hungry for TYWK-type material can comb the archives, because the old material is pretty much equivalent to the recent stuff.
p.s. - Since doing this, it seems to me that the front page of the blog is loading more slowly for me. I don't know why a nested archive would do that; perhaps there's something else on the front page that is slow to load. Or maybe my computer or my connection has just gotten slow. Let me know if the rest of you are having problems with this page loading.
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