08 April 2012

Modular marble machines

Via Neatorama.


  1. Aren't they neat! When I've finished making Roman stuff for next weekend's rubgy tour I'll have try making some. They put my effort...
    in the shade.

  2. Clearly the work of a genius, and artisan.

  3. Pfffft, he uses plastic gears. ;) The woodgears.ca guy and his readers make all-wood marble machines that will really boggle your mind: Wooden marble machines.

  4. Reminds me of the plastic Marbleworks toys I had as a kid, where you could build massive branching runs and race multiple marbles. If properly leveled, they'd diverge more or less randomly at the branch points, or get dispersed in pachinko-style pieces. Maybe not as beautiful, but really fun(my favorite was definitely the jump/catch pair of pieces). http://www.amazon.com/MARBLEWORKS%C2%AE-Starter-Set-Discovery-Toys/dp/B003SAM6BU


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