09 January 2009

"Cadillac One" - Obama's vehicle

Click to enlarge image to read details. I have doubts about the "bottles of President's blood kept on board" since blood hasn't been bottled for decades and the shelf-life of stored blood is brief. It could mean blood compatible with the President, or it could be public relations b.s.

The schematic indicates that the driver's window is the only one capable of being lowered "so the driver can pay a toll..." I have grave doubts about that ever being necessary, but it did draw this clever response on Reddit:

Attendant: That's going to be 75 cents, sir.

(Driver holds out an empty hand.)

Attendant: Sir, there's nothing there.

Obama, from the back seat: It's CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN....!

(car speeds away)


  1. Ooh, original! Did you think that one up yourself?.....

    *long akward pause*


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