10 June 2008

Bottled hot water for babies???

This makes no sense. And not because it's been taken out of context; here's the context...

"When Americans confront a catastrophe they have a right to expect basic competence from their government. Firemen and policemen should be able to communicate with each other in an emergency. We should be able to deliver bottled hot water to dehydrated babies and rescue the infirm from a hospital with no electricity. Our disgraceful failure to do so here in New Orleans exposed the incompetence of government at all levels to meet even its most basic responsibilities..."

The only possible exoneration for McCain is that the text was badly written by a speechwriter, and he read it off the teleprompter without understanding it. Which would mean he doesn't even preview what he's going to say and doesn't understand what he is reading. It's sad that he's the final candidate from a major party.

1 comment:

  1. He says "bottle," not "bottled." As in the temperature of the water should be the temperature of breast milk or formula.

    But, yes, it is a stupid thing to say without any sort of explanation, especially considering all the tragedies that occurred as a result of a total lack of organized response to Katrina.

    I voted for Obama.


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