10 October 2012

A century of movie genres

Reportedly from this source, but I'm unable to access the link to ascertain what database was used to create the graph.  Via Reddit.


  1. I'd guess there are more porn films made in a month than all the studio movies in a year - and I doubt any porn movies are released theatrically anymore. There aren't enough NC-17 movies to account for the percentage shown (not that NC-17 automatically means porn). So they must have an odd definition of porn.

    Welcome back from your blogcation - we all missed you.

  2. If I'm reading this graph right, 100% of all films are sci-fi. So I assume I'm not reading this graph right...?

    1. The vertical size of each color (at each time point) reflects the %, and the total adds up to 100%.

      So for example the pink comedy segment at the most recent time goes from about the 43 to about the 58, and thus comedy is about 15% of films in 2010.

  3. I agree with Bub. The definition of porn may be related to NC-17 or X rating, which probably wasn't in use much prior to the 60s. Also, movies that would qualify for NC-17 or X today, probably wouldn't have received a wide theatrical release in that era.

    The steep, almost opposing decline in Westerns over the same time period, while probably not causal, is amusingly coincidental. Less porn = more westerns, and vice versa? Hmm.

  4. Sent here via Brainpickings twitter feed--I love that kind of blog--and so I'm very happy to have found yours as well. This graphic reminds me of the Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte. . . a great way to digest lots of info! Thanks for this. Most interesting!


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