11 June 2024

Allegations of treason in Canada

From an article in Politico:
OTTAWA — The capital of one of the world’s most stable democracies is gripped by growing panic about foreign agents working in elected office. A bombshell report by Canadian lawmakers has unnerved Parliament Hill, alleging that unnamed politicians have been covertly working with foreign governments.

The revelation in heavily redacted findings released this week by an all-party national security committee adds intrigue to a separate and ongoing inquiry into foreign interference in Canada’s 2019 and 2021 elections.

The new report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians is the first to suggest that lawmakers in Canada’s parliament may have helped foreign actors meddle in political campaigns and leadership races. Heightened anxiety in Ottawa about foreign interference comes in the middle of historic global elections where factors such as artificial intelligence and emboldened foreign powers are testing the resilience of democratic systems.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been on the defensive since the allegations broke Monday. Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is calling on the government to name names...

The all-party NSICOP said Monday that it has reviewed intelligence that suggests “semi-witting or witting” parliamentarians have worked with foreign missions to mobilize voters during a political campaign; have taken cash “knowingly or through willful blindness” from foreign missions or their proxies; and have shared privileged information with foreign diplomatic officials.
More at the link.


  1. First, there is no link.
    Second, Elizabeth May, co-leader of the Green Party, was on CBC news this morning. She's taken the time to get the security clearance to read the unredacted report, and she said there is no list of names, full stop.

    1. Does the red "Politico" link not work for you?

    2. And if there is "no list of names" does that imply that there is no evidence of misdeeds?

  2. Here's the CBC story: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/elizabeth-may-nsicop-mps-1.7231497 - the 'no list' quote is the second-last line.
    The red 'Politico' link does work, now that I've found it. I wasn't looking at the top at all - my apologies.

  3. There is no list of names that they have solid evidence against which can be released without tipping off others that are under investigation.
    But the poor parliamentarians, when they take a bribe how can they be sure if it’s a foreign agent not just a gangster or rich guy wanting to buy him/her. /s
    It isn't always money, sometimes friendly persuasion will work if somebody isn't sure.
    It's a pretty safe bet there is bad actors working in any and every country, that's not new.


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