21 June 2024

Roy's bookshelf

"I do about two-thirds of my reading electronically or through using books on audio (nothing is better than going on a long bike ride while enjoying a good book). Over the last couple years, I have assimilated a rather odd collection of books. About half of these came from garage, library, or bookstore clearance sales.

 My favorite book on here is The Princess Bride. I loved the movie, but had no idea that the book existed at all. As in most cases, the book is far superior to the movie. It is both excellent to read to children, and delightful to read as an adult.

The far left shows my recent selection which I read to my two boys. I had to purchase new copies, as those that I devoured during my childhood were completely tattered. We're about halfway into the Fellowship of the Ring.

The far right shows my push to develop a little more self-sufficiency. We're in an area that I can do a bit of gardening, and we tend to lose power due to winter storms, wind damage, and tornadoes Much like myself, the book selection is a tad eclectic."


  1. I envy people who can listen to audiobooks. I just get sleepy after five minutes.

  2. When I was still working and driving for half an hour to and from work, I loved having audio books. The drive went so much faster and I was much less stressed while still being alert to the traffic.

    I think it's great that you're reading to your boys and helping them develop a love of books.

    1. I agree - listening to a book on audio is a great way to make time fly.

      It took years of reading (with voice acting) to help my boys develop a love of reading. Boy boys now enjoy reading on their own (though I still read to them a couple days per week).

      One of the highlights of their week is getting dropped off at the library. They find books and read for an hour, and are allowed to play a computer game for a half hour. Sometimes they get so engrossed in the books, that they forget about the game!

      We're working on the Fellowship of the Ring right now. It is their first time through the LoTR series, and it has been great seeing them react to the unfolding drama.

  3. I also have tried and given up on audio books, because of the tendency of narrators to emphasize... each... word... carefully and slowly. I can consume the same material in book form in a fraction of the time.

    As a substitute, I download podcasts of This American Life, transfer them to CDs and play them on long trips. Sadly I can't find a way to fast forward between segments of the program, since it burns to disc as a single item, but most of the programs are good in toto anyway.

    1. For me, it depends on the book. Some books are flat-out dangerous while on the road! I suppose some narrators have more soothing voices than others.

      I have to admit they are also a nice way to unwind when my mind is racing. I put my player on "sleep" mode, hit play, and drift away.

  4. My commute is about an hour long each way. Audiobooks from my local Wisconsin library or from the MORE library system (http://www.more.lib.wi.us/) coupled with oneclickdigital.com keeps me in books all the time. I have listened to poorly read audiobooks too, but nowadays they are the exception, not at all the normal. Thank heavens for mp3 able factory cd players! I can rip a 12 cd audiobook to one mp3 disk or iPod or standard mp3 player if you car supports it. In fact the libraries now have mp3 audiobooks now.

  5. I don't really like audiobooks, its more comfortable but you get bored and annoyed easily

  6. Somewhere in The Princess Bride there's a footnote explaining that Mr. Morgenstern can't explain something for legal reasons, but if you write to the publisher, they'll send you an explanation. I wrote to the publisher and they actually sent me the explanation - except that legal proceedings were still on-going and they couldn't (something to do with diplomatic relations with Florin). I miss William Goldman. I'll see if I still have the explanation somewhere.

  7. I spy two Patrick Rothfuss books waiting for their trilogy to be complete. Sadly I think Patrick has hit a terrible wall and just can't write it. Still worth reading these two! And then welcome to a special ring of hell - the wait. You'll be in good company

  8. I purchased The Princess Bride book for my wife one anniversary, and we had a wonderful time reading it together. Highly recommend, especially if you enjoyed the movie.


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