20 June 2024

Stan B's bookcases

Except for the books on the floor and the last shelf, bottom right (the wife's interior design books), this is my collection of photography books (mostly monographs) that I've purchased since the late '70s. They're basically like poetry books that can be repeatedly seen and contemplated depending on mood- glean what you will. I buy only those of photographers whose various styles appeal to me, not because of potential value.

All the stuffed stuff and other crap "art objects" are also the wife's. The three and one half legged cat's name is Flynn- Nelson, our one eyed cat would not participate. The Hank Hill action figure on the upper right is mine...

Phone photo by: Lisa Wood (aka- "The Wife")


  1. "Crap" is a typo- I meant to to say skillfully created and/or lovingly collected with an eclectic eye for outstanding value and aesthetic excellence...

  2. I just sold half of your photography books on eBay...now I have room for more skillfully collected crap.
    The Wife

  3. "The Hank Hill action figure [...] is mine."

    Damn right.

    Such an underrated show. No matter what, he just wanted to do the right thing. Even when he was wrong. Such a good show.

    I hated to see it end but I would hate it more to see it revived.

  4. My compliments to your wife on her taste in taxidermy. And I hope you're not the one maiming your cats.


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