26 June 2024

Ruth Beaty's bookshelves

"Here is mine. You can't see the roughly ten boxes in the closet behind it, lol. The boxes of books next to them are the books I'm going through to see if I want to get rid of or keep. I've done this twice before, once after we moved to Oklahoma from Washington state three years ago, and once after my husband died a year later. Went from a three bed house to one bedroom and a kitchen (my son's house). Life shrinks as we age, just not our figures. I'm getting ready to weed again as there are still some duplicates and I only keep ones I might read again, a few sewing and craft books, and many graphic novels, a genre I've come to enjoy."


  1. Well, life goes on and most of my books are back in boxes and heading for storage again. I had to move in with my mom about a year after this picture. She has end stage dementia and I’m the only one who can live with her as a care taker. I miss my messy bookshelves which now look very empty. That was three years ago.

    On the bright side I love that you do this so I can be envious of other peoples bookshelves!!

    1. I have also almost emptied out the bookshelves I used to inaugurate this series, but I haven't taken a followup photo or inserted an addendum in the post. I probably should do that.


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