One of the biggest Penguin creche, or manchotiere, is located on The Crozet Islands (Îles Crozet), a sub-antarctic archipelago in the southern Indian Ocean. I'm not able to find resources in english, though I know plenty of things in french. For instance, if you want to look at other pictures, check these websites: The official website for these Islands (and all antarctic and austral pieces of land France owns in the southern hemisphere) is
One of the biggest Penguin creche, or manchotiere, is located on The Crozet Islands (Îles Crozet), a sub-antarctic archipelago in the southern Indian Ocean. I'm not able to find resources in english, though I know plenty of things in french. For instance, if you want to look at other pictures, check these websites:
The official website for these Islands (and all antarctic and austral pieces of land France owns in the southern hemisphere) is