04 February 2009

Epic math illiteracy at Verizon

This is a 3-minute recording of a phone call made by a customer to Verizon. They had quoted him a rate of 0.002 cents per kilobyte; what they charged him was $0.002 per kilobyte. They think it's the same thing - and they are adamant about it.

Note - this isn't really a failure of Verizon. It's a failure of the educational system in whatever country this occurred, that workers are released into the real world so totally devoid of an understanding of decimals.

p.s. - yes, I know the word in the title should be "innumeracy" rather than "illiteracy"

Credit to Failblog, via the Neatorama Upcoming Queue.


  1. and so the fall of the great American Empire is exemplified
    in a more subtle, yet no less meaningful way.
    'Go technology!' We allow our children to be so distracted from reality, these consequences result

  2. Ironic title for your post.


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