Burglar Alarm Triggered by Heartbeat (Jan, 1933)
There have been numerous inventions to foil bank bandits in their hold-up attempts but the latest one is the most original. The vibrations of the human heart-beat set off an alarm bell... In appearance, the burglar alarm resembles a miniature radio. If any would-be bandit approaches close to the cage, his heartbeat, working faster than usual because he is under a high nervous tension, will set off the boisterous alarm bell that can be heard a block away. [I'll bet that worked really well...]
Dimple Machine (Oct., 1936)
Dimples are now made to order! These aids to beauty can be produced as the result of a new invention by Isabella Gilbert of Rochester, N. Y. The device consists of a face-fitting spring carrying two tiny knobs which press into the cheeks. [Wait, isn't that... yes... Hannibal Lecter's mother!]
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