08 February 2009

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness"

Those of you who have hobbies (especially collecting hobbies) can vouch for the validity of the title above.

The embedded images are selections from a photoessay with about 50 pictures which invite you to enter the home of a compulsive hoarder. The syndrome is well known, occasionally reaching media prominence when the hoarding involves animals or the death of the hoarder from collapsing piles of newspapers.

This lady's house is at least reasonably clean, if somewhat - shall we say - untidy. The photoessay, entitled "Crazy eBay mom," is written with a modicum of sympathy by a family member. It's worth a quick perusal.

Before you write a disparaging comment about the lady's habits, those of you who are collectors (of anything) should remember the old proverb about people who live in glass houses...


  1. Sad stuff :( I hope the mom eventually decides to turn things around for herself.

  2. You could at least post the picture showing the Xerox boxes the right way round...

  3. Anon, the photos ARE the "right way round." I've enlarged them for you.


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