13 May 2009

Are you having problems viewing this blog?

About ten days ago I became aware that some people were having difficulty viewing TYWKIWDBI. The problem seemed to arise from the fact that I had the blog set up to show 100 posts (about 1 week of new material) on the home page. On May 3 I changed the format to limit the home page to 50 posts, and received a couple comments that things had improved.

This morning another visitor left a message indicating that trying to view the blog was difficult, and that it seemed to have gotten worse (?) in recent weeks. Normally I wouldn't be too concerned re one visitor, ascribing it to idiosyncracies of that person's system, but earlier this week I received an email from someone who, in a burst of enthusiasm, had looked at the entire blog (!), scrolling all the way back through TYWKIWDBI to the very beginning. In doing so, he/she encountered a link (in a post a full year ago) that went to a pornsite. I think the link must have changed since the original hyperlink was set up, but it's also possible that someone had hacked this site and inserted the hyperlink de novo.

The blog is currently set up with the most recent 50 posts on the front page. When I looked through them today, 12 were videos (11 YouTubes and 1 CNN), which apparently require a bit of processor memory to "preload" when the page is opened. I should think most systems and browsers would handle that load, but perhaps it's best to check.

Please use the comment function of this post to let me know 1) if you are having problems, and of what type and 2) if you have seen any bad/inappropriate links (other than YouTube videos which sometimes go dead). If this site is still slow to load or troublesome for a number of people, I can cut the frontpage posts down even further and let people navigate to subsequent pages.

Thanks in advance.



  1. I use google reader to read your blog and have had no problems

  2. The only 2 issues I have is that sometimes the inline videos are the last to load, so you see a lot of blanks for a while (up to a minute), and at work, the inline videos and some images are blocked because of the companies filtering policy (but the blog itself is fine). But I think both of these are outside of your control.

    Btw, I noticed "recently" ("recent" could be up to a year ago) that slashdot has some sort of feature that automatically loads new entries if you scroll to the bottom and wait a few seconds. That would be really neat here, but I have no idea how that is implemented.

  3. No problems here, either at work or at home...

  4. i use firefox 3 and/or safari 3. i rock a macbook pro, connecting through a college proxy network. never had a problem

  5. Your page requires tremendous processor power to view for some reason.

    No other page on the internet makes my computer overheat likes yours.

    Please consider making it smaller than even 50.

  6. Interesting comments so far. I'm beginning to wonder if that sidebar full of little pictures could be adding to the problem; I did add some more pix to it about a week or two ago.

    I've been putting pictures there because I don't have much else for the sidebar (advertisements etc); perhaps that was a mistake?

    Awaiting other comments before deciding...

  7. I have no problem on Google Chrome. But I visit your site fairly regularly, and so would vote to reduce the number of items on the first page.

  8. I have no problem loading the blog. Even so, I wouldn't hesitate to click an older posts link at the bottom if I miss a day.

  9. It used to take a year and a day to load the page but since you limited the posts to 50 it's been much better. If you need to cut the frontpage posts further, that's fine. No problems with bad links

  10. I have no problems on newer machines (using firefox). However, my old 800mhz laptop does have some problems loading your blog, specially when flashblock is disabled.

  11. I click on comments and then I try to go back to where I was before I clicked. Unfortunately I have to wait while I look at your most recent post until, after a couple of seconds, I am taken back to where I left off. Very irritating!


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