CAT'S pee and sweaty passionfruit are hardly flavours to make your mouth water but it seems Kiwis can't get enough of them.
These are the core aromas of New Zealand's world-leading sauvignon blanc, according to a six-year study by a team of lucky wine scientists.
The team spent more than $12m defining the flavours of the country's most popular grape variety, which has a unique flavour and character that has captured the world's interest.
They concluded it was a winning combination of sweet, sweaty passionfruit, asparagus, and cat's pee... wine connoisseurs routinely describe wine using the terms such as cat's pee and capsicum and now the market place was also catching on.
One winery, Cooper's Creek, had already caught on, calling its sauvignon blanc Cat's Pee on a Gooseberry Bush. (photo credit)
It's really a good wine, so don't make a big deal about it!