13 April 2009

The "Seven Signs of Terrorism"

Here's the description that accompanies the YouTube clip:
The Citizen Readiness subcommittee of the Metropolitan Emergency Managers Committee created this video (based on one created by the Michigan State Police) to help educate Greater Kansas City area residents about the signs of terrorism. We can all help prevent and detect terrorism — and other types of crime — by watching out for suspicious activities and reporting them to the proper authorities.
I find this to be a very disturbing video - but not for the reasons the Department of Homeland Security intended.


  1. Every time this "PSA" comes on, I try to convince my wife that something we do on a weekly basis is an act of terrorism. Last week it was shopping at Sam's Club...

  2. This sounds like stories of the Soviet Union--people turning in neighbors for "suspicious" activity. It is terrifying.

  3. I would imagine that the number of spurious calls for service in Kansas City quadrupled after this concise and informative video. While the narrator did a pretty good job, the visuals told a different story entirely.


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