23 August 2019

The "Sprinkler Rainbow Conspiracy"

An old video, but apparently I've never posted this before.   Just a reminder that people like this exist.


  1. those are why my water bill is so high!


  2. Ye gods and little fishes!! How stupid can people be?!?!?!?

  3. Replies
    1. I had entered rolling eyes emojis, but they didn't show here.

    2. Yup. I don't remember seeing an emoji showing up in the comments.

      Maybe *rolls eyes* would work...

  4. Not quick to laugh. Don't let the accent fool ya. Petroleum increases the rainbow effect, and petroleum in water is an issue in the US, especially in the poor and rural areas.

    Who knows what the issue is here (as always, idiocy is an option), this is simply a "just sayin'".

    1. "Petroleum increases the rainbow effect." You're probably thinking of the colors forming on oil puddles? Those colors are caused by a completely different optical process than rainbows (in short: thin-film interference versus refraction). Even if there is petroleum in this lady's water supply, it's not physically contributing to the formation of the rainbow.

      Oh, and this lady is a legitimate piece of work alright. She had a load of similar videos on her channel back in the day (maybe still has? I forgot her account name). One that comes to mind is a clip where she and her son(?) are spraying vinegar from a plant mister to make the chemtrails go away.

  5. I heard the sirens and I thought "Ooh, I didn't know the funny farm had sirens on their catcher vans", and I definitely didn't know the government of the good ol' USA actually put petroleum in the water of dem poorer people, thank you, Asano, for the telling.
    My last house had rainwater only, I pumped that through my hose and rainbows came out, guess god put some of that black gold in the rain, we all know he's a tricky fella.

  6. i looked through some old fotos of my hose spray rainbows - yes, i was able to make a double rainbow!



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