21 April 2009

Stephen Hawking is ill

Latest reports are that he is recovering in the hospital from what is probably pneumonia exacerbated by his undoubtedly weak cough muscles.

This cartoon is in "poor taste" - but still funny, and as noted at Reddit, Hawking himself might well chuckle at it.


  1. Hawking has a great sense of humor, as his written works have shown. I think you're right. He would laugh at this.

  2. Of course, now it's 2018, we say Hawking HAD a great sense of humour, and we all wait for him to be switched on again.

    1. I heard a great (true) story on No Such Thing as a Fish this week.

      Hawking visited a television studio for an interview/program and was in a waiting room while his voice synthesizer and wheelchair were recharging. A station employee came in to prepare for the show and unplugged some equipment or flipped a wall switch. Hawking immediately slumped over. The employee rushed out of the room and returned with assistance, only to find Hawking sitting up and giggling.


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