09 December 2008

"Multiple Kill Vehicle" in action

Hovering in a test chamber, presumably firing blanks (filmed from three different angles).

Imagine having this "pop up" out of a hidden location in the midst of a crowd of people. Mankind's ability to invent machines of war appears to be boundless.


  1. Are you sure that those are blanks we see, and not attitude jets? With only one thruster there would be no stability while hovering.

  2. I'm not sure at all. They could be jets, and perhaps the firepower comes out forward. I'll forward this to a friend who understands armaments.

    Or I'll Google Multiple Kill Vehicle and see what I can find...

  3. It would be easy to construct a device that fires rounds at the same time in opposite directions that would negate the movement issues. That said, it would be smart to tether this thing before setting it loose.

  4. the MKV is designed to shoot down airborne projectiles. The jets are stabilizers. A machine like that would be far too fragile to enter direct combat.


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