10 September 2021

"I can't believe you morons actually buy this shit"

That's the title of an assemblage of 23 works of art by Banksy that is currently being offered by Christies.  Starting bids range from GBP 20,000 to 100,000.

Readers with an interest in literature will be more interested in The Exceptional Literature Collection of Theodore B. Baum, Part One.  



  1. For those interested in more (Ahem!) traditional art shenanigans:



  2. The sad thing is that these books will likely never be read again.

    Furthermore, it is utterly tragic that the corrupt world of big money corrupts the world of art so much.

    Art is supposed to be experienced. Not to be monetized. Sure, part of the job of an artist is finding a way to finance the creation of the art and her life. However, the obscene amounts of money paid for rare pieces of art miss the point of art and are nothing more than a vulgar dick measuring contest between the obscenely rich.

    What's worse is that they feel like they're really into the art scene which makes them fancy, and good people. Instead, they should donate their money to help the poor and go support a struggling local artist.

  3. The books and the baseball stuff weren't designed to be sold at the value they are. They are just that, memorabilia. Banksy is working on a completely different game. His art is designed to connect with the masses, and then that then applies the mass value to those willing to pay for it. There are two great documentaries about him on Netflix that give a greater understanding of just how hard he works to make his art part of society, and those who try to steal his public art. It is amazing the phenom he is and that it is self-built.


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