22 February 2023

Modern American social intercourse


  1. Stephan Pastis:

    One day in 1996, Pastis drove to an ice rink in Santa Rosa where Charles Schulz, the creator of Peanuts, had his coffee every day. The meeting did not begin auspiciously, as Pastis blurted out: "Hi, Sparky [Schulz's nickname], my name is Stephan Pastis and I'm a lawyer." Schulz turned pale, thinking Pastis was there to serve him with a subpoena. But he recovered, and Pastis remembers Schulz's graciousness:

    "I was a total stranger to him, and he let me sit down at his table and we talked for an hour. I took a picture with him. He looked at some of the strips that I had been doing and gave me some tips. Man, I was on cloud nine."


    1. I've requested a couple of his anthologies from the library. Tx for the tip.

  2. I will be forever grateful for that Pastis link. He's been a favorite for a long time.


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