04 March 2011

U.S. targets of Soviet nuclear missiles, 1984

"Primary targets for Soviet ICBMs during the 1980s. The resulting fall-out is indicated with the darkest considered as "lethal" to relatively fall-out free yellow zones." (source)


  1. That really makes me feel nostalgic for the good old days.

  2. Looks like they were much more concerned with taking out the ICBM bunkers than hitting cities.

    Didn't they realize that the bunkers could easily survive almost everything except a direct hit?

    They probably would have been better off trying to make sure there was no one left for the second volley.

  3. I am surprised Oak Ridge in eastern TN wasn't targeted. Isn't that where we enrich uranium and make plutonium, tritium, and a bunch of other iums used in weapons production?

  4. Huh. Well, so much for my thoughts of moving to Montana to get away from nuclear targets! Oregon gets less snow, anyway.

  5. this is the kind of map I would have found useful in the late 80's when I was considering where to live.

    Looks like I picked wrong :)

  6. Replies
    1. You wouldnt want to be in NYC. Even if it wasnt a target, food and supplies would be gone in a matter of minutes. How do you feed that many people for any period of time?

  7. I can't figure out what the Tennessee target is. Looks like Pickwick dam?

  8. Tennessee targets included Oak Ridge Reservation (Oak Ridge, TN), Nuclear Fuel services (Erwin, TN) and Holston Army Ammunition Plant (Kingsport, TN)

  9. The way the new cold war is going, the Ruskies are pushing their luck harder than before: they are becoming more aggressive and more stupid. I miss Brezhenev and his regime, they had more sense than Putin and his gang.

  10. Does this map make anyone else think that the goal was to starve us to death?

  11. This map has got to be totally incorrect. It doesn't have most of the old SAC bases listed which would've been a primary target.


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