01 August 2024

Jon Stewart muses about Kamala Harris

I've set up the video to start at the 2:42 mark.  For those who want to skip to the LOL moments, go to 6:15, 9:32, and 11:58.  The monologue effectively ends at 15:00, at which point it reverts to standard comedy schtick.

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  1. Lefties might want to slow their roll on Kamala. There was a reason sidestepping her to replace Biden was an issue in the first place.

    1. Surely Trump being afraid to even be in the same room with Harris had nothing to do with any thought of sidestepping her.

    2. Well, reasons. The last time she officially campaigned she didn't even make it to Iowa. Her accomplishments as VP are at best nonexistent and at worst disastrous (border czar). She was sidelined by Biden for the majority of his presidency like a real life version of "Veep" and her office has a high turnover rate that is probably going to cause her grief when the media circus wears off and she actually has to run a campaign. Beyond that there's the baggage from her past, between impropriety as an AG and improper relationships with her previous superiors both awkward issues. She's not a particularly impressive person and I don't think she'd be where she is now if her skin color and gender didn't tick boxes.

      As for Trump being scared of her, the last time he debated someone he ended up forcing the sitting President of the United States out of the race.

      Harris can win, but if she does it's a fairly damning indictment of the electorate.

    3. Wow. I'm familiar with most of those arguments, and I appreciate your taking the time to express them so cogently (and politely). My view is of course tainted by my utter comtempt for Donald Trump, which may impair my ability to be critical of Harris. I don't think it will be productive to continue this conversation here, so I'll let you have that "last word" in the discussion thread and I'll close the thread to more comments (which is what I intended to do when I wrote the post but forgot to click the administrative box to do so).

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