04 August 2024

Antarctic temperatures setting new records

"Ground temperatures in East Antarctica have soared more than 50 degrees (28 Celsius) above normal in the second major heat wave to afflict the region in the past two years. This historic warm spell could persist for another 10 days and is an ominous example of the major temperature spikes this polar climate could experience more frequently in a warming world.

“This heat wave is a near-record (or record) event for the region of Antarctica it’s having the biggest impact on,” Edward Blanchard, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Washington, said in an email. “The heat wave’s large footprint is also remarkable,” as it covers a large section of East Antarctica, which makes up most of the continent."
More information at The Washington Post.


  1. Replies
    1. Explained in this post from thirteen years ago...


  2. "I wonder what the satellite temperature readings there were back in 1924".

    He said, tongue in cheek, thinking that we shouldn't base our destruction of the oil industry on short time period hysteria.

    My great grandma used to ice skate on the River Thames (back in 1870, sure I have videos of it somewhere) and that means the Thames has warmed up some since then as it doesn't freeze anymore ... probably because of all those horse drawn carriages.

    Some of my other ancestors lived through an ice age, pretty sure my Swedish car's exhaust didn't melt that lot.

    Personally, I blame the sun.


    Apologies if that wasn't a 'climate is changing because of YOU !' article.

    1. Let's say "it's the sun".

      Should we not do anything to try to compensate for the increased heat? Just let it run through the cycle?

      Here's a link to multiple graphs of mean earth temperature. Many of them go back to about 1850, when your great grandma was a child.


      You think the trend will start reversing when?

    2. I'm interpreting your comment to mean that you are not a "climate change denier" - just a climate change cause arguer. Your great grandma's experience confirms the climate change.


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