12 August 2024

Homo Naledi

This video is concise (12 minutes), informative, and presented in a professional manner.  New information for me and perhaps some readers - definitely worth a view if the history of modern humans is of interest to you.  A tip of the blogging cap to my cousin Otrastan for sending it to me.


  1. He wonders if Neanderthals, Denisovans, homo Naledi, homo erectus, Luzonensis, homo floresiensis communicated and could we communicate with them.
    I would guess they would be like Simians today, aware of the others and in some cases overlapping territories but cautious, not interacting much.

    1. Probably. OTOH, maybe they met at some central locations every year for Olympic-style competitions. Imagine the pommel horse routines. And the uneven parallel bars. And the javelin throws!

  2. Very cool -- thanks for sharing!


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