30 August 2024

J.D. Vance's views on women

"JD Vance, the Republican vice-presidential candidate and US senator from Ohio, attacked teachers who do not have children in newly resurfaced remarks from 2021.

In the resurfaced clip, Vance, who was speaking at a forum held by the Center for Christian Virtue, attacks “leaders on the left” and Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, for not having children.

So many of the leaders of the left, and I hate to be so personal about this, but they’re people without kids trying to brainwash the minds of our children, that really disorients me and disturbs me,” Vance can be heard saying in the clip.

“Randi Weingarten, who’s the head of the most powerful teachers’ union in the country, she doesn’t have a single child. If she wants to brainwash and destroy the minds of children, she should have some of her own and leave ours the hell alone.”"
The story continues at The Guardian.  These comments from three years ago pretty much give the lie to his recent claim that his disparaging remark about "childless cat ladies" was only a "sarcastic remark."

I can't believe that this man's background was vetted by any responsible member of the Republican party before Trump selected him as his running mate.  Scary to think that a man with these views could potentially be a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Addendum:  relevant parody.  Also relevant: the books that JD Vance is endorsing.

Image cropped for size from the original at the source, credit Melissa Sue Gerrits/Getty Images


  1. vetted by any responsible member of the Republican party

    Your thinking error is that there are "responsible" members left in the GOP.

    They have left, been kicked out and replaced by people who are first and foremost absolute irresponsible.

    They do not ever take responsibility for anything. It's never their fault. Someone else did it. Immigrants. Trans people. Jewish Space Lasers. Childless catladies.

    Anyone but them.

    And because they're blameless, they're the ideal people to fix the mistakes of others.

    Makes total sense.

    1. A link and a thread:



    2. Thank you for the reminder link. It has been a long time since I've checked Counterpunch. I should do so more often.

  2. Oh, he was vetted and Trump was duly warned, but he and Don Jr. were madly in love with the guy. Don't ask me why. I guess it's a caveman thing.

  3. "any responsible member of the Republican party" is an exccellent joke.

  4. Vance is Catholic, so I’m surprised he’s not aware of nuns.

  5. If you do not read the fine, fine literature liked to as relevant parody, you are denying yourself some fine, fine literature.

    1. Agree! Alexandra makes me laugh pretty much every time she writes anything.

  6. " “Randi Weingarten, who’s the head of the most powerful teachers’ union in the country, she doesn’t have a single child." "

    Randi Weingarten has a stepchild or does jd vance not consider adopted and stepchildren to be real family members? Or real children. Does this vile pos consider only biological children to be "real" children?

    Childless CCL

  7. Vance is promoting a traditional conservative point of view: Parents, not educators, should have the last word in the rearing of children. This is not a new position, nor is it crazy.

    1. PS: I don't think the title makes much sense. Vance could as easily be talking about childless men. It happens that women dominate the educational system, but conservatives are no happier with "social engineering" when it's imposed by men. I think the "women" focus in the title is a distraction from the substance of the issue. That is, on issues such as parental rights in the realm of sexual transitioning for school age minors, agree or disagree with schools not informing parents, but thinking the political opposition can have no reasonable arguments for informing parents exposes dogmatism. Ironic in that something like Vance's Catholicism is seen as a fault, no doubt in part due to the dogmatism of the church.

    2. If you're saying the reason he's so outspoken about childless female educators is because of nuns, then that makes sense.
      Also, I feel like laws should be the last word in the rearing of children, since we've been seeing quite the wave of "conservative" parents going to jail recently.

    3. I was taught by nuns for eight years. The difference between nuns and cat ladies is that the latter are morals motivated and the former are political power motivated. Plenty of nonsense in both realms, but at least the nuns have a moral center to begin from.

      Not sure about the "wave of conservative parents going to jail." Must be missing the joke. In any case, a conservative would say one of the worst crimes a parent can commit is the murder of an unborn human, whether the law calls it murder or not. I don't agree with conservatives on this point, but I don't disrespect them for taking this position.

    4. Apologies. Correction:The difference between nuns and cat ladies is that the former are morals motivated and the latter are political power motivated.

    5. Didn't know that my wife is "motivated by political power." I thought she was just a regular person who like cats.

    6. Come to think about it, I'm married to a cat lady--30 years. She loves cats and has no children. Has voted Democratic for a few decades. She's as sick of identity politics as I am. Can't stand Kamala, who she regards as a DEI empty suit. Still wears her Bernie shirt. She's a successful architect who has nothing but gratitude for the help men gave her along the way. She sees her life, as a woman in the US, as nothing but privileged. All to say she's never leveraged identity or made ridiculous claims about patriarchy and oppression. Never invented or exaggerated grievances. An honest broker. That is, not playing "political power" games based on her gender. I suppose there are millions of cat ladies of the sort I describe, but that's not the sort Vance is describing.

  8. Vance wasn't content with misogyny. Now he's gone blatantly and dishonestly racist as well, though Trump supporters didn't think he was sexist before and they won't see him as racist either.


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