18 March 2024

A blueberry the size of a golf ball

Developed by a fruit and vegetable vendor in New South Wales:
It’s dark blue, about the diameter of a golf ball and it weighs 10 times as much as your average blueberry.  Picked on 13 November, the piece of fruit was this week officially recognised by the Guinness World Records as the world’s heaviest blueberry...

Hocking said while typically a sacrifice in quality is expected with larger fruit, blueberries of the Eterna variety were “firm with a really good shelf life”.

Hocking said the fruit wasn’t an abnormality within the Eterna variety: there were about 20 blueberries of a similar size present when the berry was picked.

He said there was a growing demand for bigger fruit, which he attributed to a shift from using fruit in baking and on breakfast cereal to snacking.


  1. I can't help but notice that size and shelf-life are mentioned, but nobody talks about taste....

    1. Taste was discussed in the interview at the source ("The consumer experience is consistently good with great flavour"). As a courtesy I only abstract small portions of articles, expecting that readers will follow up at the primary material.

  2. Good grief, berries you need a knife and fork to eat... or a bib.


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