Henry is a tuatara, hatched between the 1890s and the 1910s off the north coast of the South Island (New Zealand); he is believed to be the oldest living tuatara.
He was named after Henry VIII and, according to tuatara keeper Lindsay Hazley, "The plan was for Henry to have lots of wives." The staff tried to get him to breed with a female named Mildred in the 1980s but he bit her tail off. He fought with other tuatara, including a male named Albert. Because he was aggressive, he was kept alone. A cancerous tumour was removed from Henry's genital region in 2008, which caused Henry's libido to come back.In 2009, Henry became a father for the first time, at the age of about 111. It was reported in 2024 that Henry "holds the world record for living in captivity at more than 46 years."
I love hearing about these very old animals (and trees and coral reefs) that just keep living, despite all the nonsense that happens around them. It's a very good reminder of how full humanity is of itself.