19 May 2024

Incredible amounts of beach glass

No need to watch the entire video, but worth browsing for sea glass collectors.  I have on occasion spent a couple hours on the shore of Lake Superior searching, and was happy to find a handful of specimens.  This beach in St. Kitts is unbelievable.


  1. Look also at Glass Beach near Ft Bragg CA (along the coast, north of San Francisco). The local city would dump glass and other trash there over about 60 years. They've since cleaned it up, but the water and rocks turned the glass into this type of sea glass. Its now a state beach and local tourist attraction.

    For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass_Beach_(Fort_Bragg,_California)

  2. All that sea glass is nice, but seeing all that rusting machinery is not. The narrator does make a very good point that the ocean wave action is turning the glass back into sand.

    As an fyi, "Bottle Beach" in Brooklyn was closed because radioactive waste was been found among the glass.

  3. Also Glass Beach in Vladivostok.A beach created by dumping waste and defects from nearby glass and ceramics factories.


    (Posting anonymously because I am traveling and the other login paths reflect me. —agk)

  4. Frustrating, he kept passing over pieces that caught my eye.
    I’m sure in 20 minutes I harvest more than I could carry like a kid in a candy store. LoL

  5. Beach glass on a lake?! I've never seen such a thing. But I suppose the Great Lakes can be considered seas, complete with storms.


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