10 May 2024

Divertimento #194

Innovative pastry creations
How cinnamon is harvested from trees
Industrial-level harvesting of trees
Chemical rust remover
Man catches cobra with a bottle :)
"De-aging" a 400-year-old wooden beam
Michelin star-level cutting of an onion
Removing paint with dry ice (less risk silicosis)
Interesting way to construct and serve a sandwich roll
Adjusting a caulk nozzle
Vibration will homogenize fresh concrete
Removing varnish from a painting
"UFO sighting" debunked (is moth close to CCTV cam)
Is the horse walkiing away from you, or toward you??
Man in criminal court swallows cyanide.  Full video in top comment.
Rainbow drinks discussed in the thread

Happy cow (note jump at end)
Elephant on a rampage
Kangaroo stampede
Lioness rescued by her pride
Mantis eating hair from someone's arm
"Tornados" of insects (though not mosquitoes as labeled)
Deep-sea squid brooding her eggs
Border collie in an agility competition

Nature and science
Popsicle-sticks demonstration of something
Freshly cut jasper
Indonesian volcano erupting
Bored?  Make a fire tornado
Owl can turn his head better than you can
Tumbleweed stampede (good comments)
Mesovortices in motion

Impressive or clever
"Extreme Firemen" competition
Refrigerator from the 1950s
How Australia implements crowd management
Halloween costume (would probably be shot)
Man catches bass using only his hands and a minnow
Identifying songs in one second
Water goes through permeable concrete
Professional builder laying mortar (note top comment)
"Please tidy up that bin of nails"
Timelapse of patio being cleaned
Garbage truck eats a couch
It's called a hydrovac

Sports and athleticism
Baseball's Randy Johnson kills a bird 
   (note his company logo nowadays)
6-year-old does 80 backflips
Kid converts a 1-7-10 split
Russian army acrobatic stunt
The University of Minnesota has a basketball player

Falls and WTF
Driver abandons car rather than damage gate
Baseball fan ruptures both ACLs on the steps
Idiot driver gets karma

Humorous or cheerful
Dog doesn't recognize owner after latter's weight loss
Mom creates a virtual roller coaster for daughter
"Simon says" done by a professional
Elderly lady meets Alexa
Gravy jug from the AwfulTasteButGoodExecution subreddit

Embedded photos from Cake Wrecks (twice), via Neatorama.


  1. "Removing soapy water from floor" has the right idea. I have used pan shovels or scoop snow shovels to scoop up water and put in to plastic waste barrrel. So much faster than a mop!

  2. The dancing duct reminded me of Mummenschanz.

  3. 3rd group, 4th link, “Two straws in a water bottle, yeah it actually works”.
    The discussion remains but frustrating because the post was removed.

    4th group, 1st link, “Geometry of cabinet drawers”, same problem.

    There were a couple videos in the post I'll be forever grateful I got to see.
    Thank you, xoxoxoBruce

    1. Bruce, when I was uploading links, I was batching them in groups of 12, and in each group there were 1 or 2 that were dead, so I didn't load them. The ones that I linked were all live at the time (I watched them). Linkrot happens fast in this world. Memento mori.

    2. Found the physics demonstration elsewhere -


      Sometimes the deletion occurs is because the material is reposted from somewhere else on reddit, or is not appropriate to that particular subreddit.

  4. Is this the cabinet door https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/1clqn0s/geometrical_cabinet_door/

    1. That's the one. I'll update the link later. Thank you for finding it.

  5. Stan, both of those were removed by reddit filters so you're probably right about being elsewhere.
    Excellent, I had read all the comments on both of those hoping one would have a link. As soon as I saw the videos all the comments made sense instantly.
    In my google search I did discover , Pulling knobs opens doors... and drawers.

  6. Cereal Box Domino fall and Halloween Costume were amazing.
    The first put big time smiles on our faces and the second was totally new and creepy.
    Many other good ones, Thanks

  7. Found a possible way to get to reddit content which has been filtered - see for example the skilled mudder at work here

  8. One of the comments under "Rescuing a bucket-headed bear" has a link to the reddit thread for Reverse Animal Rescues. The redditors take animal rescue videos and reverse them so it looks like the people are putting the animal into harm. They are somewhat entertaining.


    1. New to me and sometimes perversely funny. And I bet some of these videos will "escape", be reposted off Reddit, and be believed by an uninformed public.


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