31 May 2024

A specialized colorblind test image

Most people are unable to see the number "73" in the image above.  But if you have protanopia or deuteranopia, you might see something like this:

Via Neatorama, where there are additional relevant links.


  1. I'm not colorblind and I can't see a '73' in that top image...

  2. Not to be contrarian, but I see nothing recognizable in the first image. Certainly not digits. Does that indicate something?

    1. It certainly does. It indicates you didn't click on the links... :-)

    2. Oh. That syllable "un" is doing some linguistic work in "unable" and one cannot just ignore it.

    3. ? in order words the "unable" made you feel deficient for being normal? Interesting. (and there are websites about the advantages of being colorblind)

  3. In this scenario, I'm definitely "most people." This reminds me of Grant Snider's "Conspiracy of Colors." Perception is indeed an intriguing concept.

  4. Red and green are much the same, and my 'ginger' cats look slightly green to me. Traffic lights, back in the day when they had incandescent bulbs, were discernible as to
    'stop/go' by their position, not their colour ... these days we have LED lit ones and they are more easily readable.

    I can easily see the red of say, a Coke can, but throw it on the grass 4 or 5 metres away and it disappears.

    So I guess that I have deuteranopia and protanopia ... and Daltonism.

  5. Hmm. I can make out the 73, but it doesn’t “leap out”. After a couple of seconds of looking at the image, it’s quite clear that it’s there to me, it’s made of circles that are subtly different colours to the circles they’re next to. Clear, but nowhere NEARLY as clear as depicted in the second image. I wonder what this means…


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