Reportedly the catfish was found "bouncing" on the surface of a Texas lake because it had tried to ingest a basketball, could not do so, and then could not release it from its mouth. It couldn't submerge because of the flotation effect of the ball. Finally a good Samaritan cut the ball to deflate it, freeing the fish.
More pictures at the link. I find it a bit puzzling because I've always envisioned catfish as bottom feeders, and would be surprised that one would attempt to take a floating rubber ball. The cynic in me suspects malicious intent or a misguided attempt at humor, but it could be true...
Update: uplinking the following from the comment section below - "I would like to add some correct information to Mr. Bridge's posting. I am the photographer, Pam Driver and live in Wichita, KS. This happened in May of 2004 on our pond behind our home. My husband, Bill Driver is who you see trying to dislodge the basketball. Please check several places: Snopes.com, published in the Wichita Eagle, National Enquirer and also in Ripley's Believe It or Not/Planet Eccentric. Just thought you'd like the real scoop."
and here's the Snopes link.
I would like to add some correct information to Mr. Bridge's posting. I am the photographer, Pam Driver and live in Wichita, KS. This happened in May of 2004 on our pond behind our home. My husband, Bill Driver is who you see trying to dislodge the basketball. Please check several places: Snopes.com, published in the Wichita Eagle, National Enquirer and also in Ripley's Believe It or Not/Planet Eccentric. Just thought you'd like the real scoop.