06 September 2024

(Title pending)

People having fun in the Netherlands.  Enjoyable to watch, but I had no idea what title to use on this post.  Suggestions welcome.


  1. Fun? Fun? Tobbedansen is how we go to work every day. We used to go by sled (colloquially known as "Blij dat ik glij"), but climate change has ruined that for us.

  2. It basically means, "by land, by sea and in the air". It's a long-running tv show where teams of friends/colleagues/neighbours etc build a contraption to travel down the ramp, across the water and launch someone to ring the bell. This season was held at the Efteling, a fairy tale theme park and national treasure. You should go

  3. Looks like there were three goals. Build a funny-looking boat vehicle. Get at least part of it to float in the water (this was by far the hardest part). Then row over and ring the bell. I don't know if they might have timed each trial so that whoever rang the bell most quickly won. It looks like Viking ship won.

    I guess the Dutch need to get the Scandinavians involved if they want a seaworthy vessel. :-)

  4. A 'Tobbe' or a 'Badkuip' is a Bathtub : see https://zoom.nl/foto/portret/1196876/in-de-tobbe

  5. To add the previous, this is an old show that's just been restarted on tv.

    It's of the Wipe-out category - you have to complete a nearly impossible task and failing is the fun. Silly, humorous commentary is what makes the show. The commentary used to be done by one of Holland's favorite comedians - Andre van Duin.

    The specialty is that people get to do these things in home-built contraptions. There's a near infinite variety of games, but most of them include somehow getting across the water to a bell. Either in a bathtub down a slope, or on a bike across a way too narrow beam, or whatever you can think off.

    There's a price for the fastest candidate to ring the bell, and there's a price for the most outrageous contraption. There are actually quite some rules about the contraptions. Size, ability and safety.

    The show is also very popular because it travels around the country, and moves from harbor to harbor. In short, lots of summer fun and a lot of people have good memories going to see the show with their own eyes for a day of summer fun.

    Wiki tells me there used to be a few racing varieties as well, I vaguely remember those. Racing backwards with a caravan or some other silly insanity. I think those stopped because there were too many serious injuries. Those shows were very much like the chase scenes in the Blues Brother movies..... Crash crash crash crash.


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