30 September 2024

An ALL-CAPS rant includes "execution of a baby after birth."

Top image credit Justin Sullivan/Getty Images via The Guardian.  Text image via Mediaite.

Seeking input from the Trump apologists who are readers here.  What does he mean when he refers to 
"Democrat demanded late term abortion in the 7th, 8th, or 9th month, or even execution of a baby after birth."??  This phrase can't be written off as "just joking" or "misquoted."  It's beyond hyperbole to the point of being outright fantasy.  

Word for the day: deranged.  Etymology from the French dérangé ("insane").  Definitions: 1) Disturbed or upset, especially mentally. 2) Insane.  3)Malfunctioning or inoperative.   Anagrams: grenaded, dangered, nadgered, gandered, gardened ("nadgered" apparently Britspeak equivalent to "knackered",  new to me).


  1. beyond the complete divorcedness from reality of his diatribe, it’s also at odds with other GOP strategies when it comes to women’s vote: advising them to let the husband vote for the household and not vote themselves. (https://www.comicsands.com/tiktoker-arizona-ad-husbands-vote-2669280382.html with a hat tip to george takei on mastodon)

    so, either women have every reason to want to vote for another trump presidency (as he appears to believe. at least while he was typing his missive), and then one would think the party wants them to bring their vote to bear, or women as a demographic are more likely to vote for the sensible candidate (as per 2016 voter demographics) and thus they have to get urged to abstain from voting.

    my money for most likely explanation is on your word of the day.


  2. Appears to be a reference to voluntary late term abortion. Not that it matters, since the issue is in states' hands.

  3. Partial-birth abortion (PBA) is the term Congress has used to describe a procedure that crosses the line from abortion to infanticide. The doctor delivers a substantial portion of the living child outside his mother's body --- the entire head in a head-first delivery or the trunk past the navel in a feet-first delivery --- then kills the child by crushing his skull or removing his brain by suction.


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