11 April 2023

Two Easter messages to the American public

Res ipsa loquitur.  Via the WhitePeopleTwitter subreddit.


  1. Creating fear is the first work of fascists.

  2. The Trump sentence is uncharacteristically grammatical. I wonder who wrote it for him?

  3. I think it is unfair to label democratic governors as fascists just because they kept mask mandates, schools closed, and restricted gatherings well past the time when the COVID threat called for such things. Now passing statues banning natural gas appliances...maybe.

    1. My Democratic governor, in California, handled Covid very well. Many lives were saved. Ironically, it was the most authoritarian minded (those most excited about police state responses to social problems and those who support tax policies concentrating ever greater power in the hands of the few) among us who were most resistant to masking, social distancing and vaccines. They now seem to forget the nightmare at hospitals as the Covid tsunami hit. Many are rabidly anti-abortion, but were quite reckless about the hazards in "herd immunity" approaches for children, which could infect and kill grandparents by the bushel. In general, the most selfish people, in most every regard, were the same people who made no sacrifice for the general welfare, or whined about it incessantly. Instead of throwing around words like "fascism," these people ought to be ashamed. They had a chance to work together to limit the impact of Covid (this means deaths) and they blew it. Maybe they are ashamed and this is a cover.

  4. It's almost like a Rorschach test. You don't even have to speak English to see which response came from a mentally ill person.

    1. To be fair, I once conducted a psychiatric evaluation of a very nice gentleman who had hypergraphia - he just felt compelled to keep writing and writing. He was very aware of this, but it wasn't even the worst thing that was bothering him. He asked me if I had a pen and paper in my office, and I looked around and wound up handing him a stack of Post-Its with a pen. Later, while we were wrapping up, I was leafing through the resulting stack, and I noticed on the back of one of the notes, he had just written the word "boobs" and underlined it twice. When I asked why, he just told me that he wanted to see if I cared enough to actually look through the stack.

      That guy would have made a better president, regardless of illness.


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