U.S. officials threatened Ecuador with punitive trade measures after the country introduced an international resolution that encouraged breastfeeding during a global health conference, according to The New York Times. The threats reportedly occurred in May at the U.N.-affiliated World Health Assembly in Geneva.
The Times says the U.S. delegation opposed the measure, which was widely expected to be adopted. The U.S. officials, according to the Times, first tried to remove language from the resolution that called on nations to "protect, promote and support breast-feeding." Another section called on countries to restrict promotion of food products that could have harmful effects on children.
When U.S. efforts to water down the measure failed, the delegates reportedly threatened Ecuadorian delegates with retaliatory trade measures and said the U.S. would withdraw military aid unless the country withdrew the measure. The strong-arm tactics worked, and Ecuador dropped its support of the resolution.
But the Russian delegation eventually stepped in and introduced the measure without any threats from the American officials, the Times reports. However, U.S. officials tried for two more days to use procedural methods to stymie its ultimate adoption.
The Times says it spoke with more than a dozen participants at the assembly from several countries. Most of the sources requested anonymity because they feared retaliation from U.S. officials. At least a dozen countries in Africa and Latin America reportedly declined to support the measure over fears of retaliation.
The State Department declined the Times' request to comment and said it could not discuss private diplomatic conversations. The Department of Health and Human Services, however, defended its decision to reword the resolution.
"The resolution as originally drafted placed unnecessary hurdles for mothers seeking to provide nutrition to their children," an HHS spokesperson told the Times.
The Times says baby food industry lobbyists attended the meetings but health advocates said they saw no direct evidence that they influenced the Americans' threats.

The $70 billion industry, which is dominated by a handful of American and European companies, has seen sales flatten in wealthy countries in recent years, as more women embrace breast-feeding. Over all, global sales are expected to rise by 4 percent in 2018, according to Euromonitor, with most of that growth occurring in developing nations...
During the deliberations, some American delegates even suggested the United States might cut its contribution to the W.H.O., several negotiators said. Washington is the single largest contributor to the health organization, providing $845 million, or roughly 15 percent of its budget, last year...
Elisabeth Sterken, director of the Infant Feeding Action Coalition in Canada, said four decades of research have established the importance of breast milk, which provides essential nutrients as well as hormones and antibodies that protect newborns against infectious disease.A 2016 study in The Lancet found that universal breast-feeding would prevent 800,000 child deaths a year across the globe and yield $300 billion in savings from reduced health care costs and improved economic outcomes for those reared on breast milk.
I titled this post "Trump administration" because they are the ones who are sucking up to the industry. It is not the American people who oppose breastfeeding, and not even the American congress - and not even the red-state voters who wear MAGA hats. This is policy work perpetrated by an out-of-control administration. They need to be called out on this. I'm sick of this shit.
ReplyDeleteCapitalism rules all... until Russia steps in.
ReplyDeleteI read about this yesterday ~ and I am as shocked and appalled by it as you are!
ReplyDeleteFucking Bullshit indeed!
To support HHS's defense it would help to know what the "unnecessary hurdles" were. If you had to get a doctor's note before purchasing formula, I would agree that is unnecessary. ...but I'm guessing that's not the case here. Based on my 10 min of poking around on the keywords "baby formula claims" it appears the history of this topic is about advertising, esp in Hospitals and in developing nations. I had assumed this was a 1st world problem, but apparently Nestlé (& Co) have built a market in developing nations. In many of these developing nations, how is a Mother supposed to get clean water to prepare the formula? (asks a 1974 paper: War on Want investigation into the promotion and sale of powdered baby milks in the Third World.).
Sad to say it is your pension funds that supply the investment and no they don't give a shit about your health and welfare as they will profit if you get sick and the sooner you die the more they make.
ReplyDeleteIt's all just so exhausting. I do research on childhood trauma and gang prevention, but never thought either of these topics would be relevant to the daily news cycle. What are we even doing?
ReplyDeleteyou know, if it was just the US saying we are not going to vote for this, I would be depressed, but then we have to go a step further and strong arm other countries and make threats and this really pisses me off. I hate that we make threats to get our way.
ReplyDeleteWhat ever happened to "the free hand of the market"? Also, we ARE mammals, for gosh sakes...
ReplyDeleteWho is surprised? Not this mom: https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/29/politics/trump-breast-pump-statement/index.html
ReplyDeleteFWIW, mastitis is not a contraindication to breastfeeding.
ReplyDeleteTrump is evil and is encouraging evil from all parts of his support base, and I can't imagine letting him have a second term, which is all we can hope for since apparently no one is willing to end his first term early for him.
Fixed. Thanks.