26 January 2025

xoxoxoBruce has died

Reader Jim Armstrong left a comment in another thread noting that reader xoxoxoBruce had passed away.  I found independent confirmation in a Chevy truck forum.
I am totally shocked. Bruce was just at my house on the 10th. He had just picked up his newly painted SSR. He spent a lot to fix it up but never got to enjoy it. It was done at my old shop.
I just noticed that he texted me last Thursday the 17th, the day they said he past away, about coming up next week to fix some things on his truck.
Man this is hard too take. 😢He would send flowers to my wife every year on our anniversary saying what a mistake she made marrying me. He was such a jokester.
Going to miss all his emails and conversations.
RIP my friend 😫😭
I "know" a lot of my readers/commenters as a result of years of curating comments (I've never met any  reader IRL except my family).  The username xoxoxoBruce has been commenting on TYWKIWDBI for at least the past 8 years - maybe longer.  I never had to delete any of his comments, which were always pleasant and courteous.  I'm sorry to hear that he's gone.

Posting this for other readers and for other bloggers (Miss C, Marilyn, Jesse),

Addenda:  Here is a tribute to xoxoxoBruce, posted this morning at Nag on the Lake:
"I was saddened to learn via TYWKIWDBI that Bruce, who contributed links to this blog for the past two decades, has died. We never met in person but over the years we communicated regularly. When I was travelling he would send extra links because he knew I would have less time to round up my own. He sent me homemade Christmas cards and never forgot my birthday. A few years ago I posted a story about the world’s smallest bar which is about an hour from where I live. He sent me a gift certificate for cocktails there. I have often written about my love of Scotland so last year he sent me a bottle of Arran Gold liqueur.  I mentioned to Bruce that my dad was suffering from dementia but still enjoyed corny jokes. For many years Bruce sent me jokes to pass along to him. He also forwarded articles on antique firetrucks for my firefighter husband. I know he will be missed by the many friends he so easily made. I plan to pull out that bottle of Arran Gold and raise a toast to Bruce in front of the fire tonight."
(Marilyn's blog is very similar to TYWKIWDBI, for those readers here who have not yet found it.)

And a tribute from Miss Cellania:
"Bruce was a regular contributor to the comments section here, sent me links, and was a regular correspondent. I just received his Christmas card the other day, postmarked December 11th but for some reason it took more than a month to get here. Bruce was always ready with a joke, ready to be friends, and quite generous. Bruce helped keep me afloat a few years ago when I got laid off from Mental Floss and times were tough. I couldn't be more grateful."


  1. Incredibly sad news and likewise through reading your blog (the only one I still do) for most of my adult life I feel like I "know" you and many of your commenters. I rarely comment myself, except a few times to express admiration and appreciation for everything you do and what your regular commenters add to my enjoyment of what has for so long been a very special place for me that I share with everyone that comes in to my life.

    Tywkiwdbi will be diminished somewhat by their passing but I know through all of your dedication, and the contributions of your wider readership the vacuum left behind will be felt but fleeting.

    Thank you so much for everything Stan, and to all of your commenters.

  2. aw man, that is sad news. i haven’t been a long time commenter on here, but have been reading for way longer. his name was a familiar sight in the comments. i hope he didn’t suffer, and that his loved ones are ok.


  3. Always enjoyed Bruce's comments. Cool dude. Sad news.

  4. So sorry to hear this. I will say though that the testimonials that you have offered are inspirational. I'd like to be that kind of person. One who is consistently thoughtful and kind to people whom they "kinda" know. The older I get, the more I understand that I am the only barrier to achieving that. I hope everyone who has crossed paths with him has joy in remembering him today.

  5. Oh, I am so sad to hear that. Bruce was not young, it could have been anything. He will be sorely missed.

  6. I did not know him, but it is lovely to know how he connected with you and the audience of this wonderful blog. I wish him and his family peace, and I will continue to honor him and other contributors by passing along insights and perspectives gained here. Thank you for doing this.

  7. I'm so sorry that we won't be seeing Bruce's name in the comments anymore. He will be missed. I wish his family and friends peace and comfort.

  8. As always in these moments I remember Sir Terry Pratchett's words...

    No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away, until the clock wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someone’s life is only the core of their actual existence.

    GNU xoxoxoBruce

  9. Bruce was one of a kind. He and I connected back in 2012 when he helped save my dog, Lucas, from cancer. He gave of his money and heart freely, without expecting anything in return, and his "Daily Dose" was always funny. Bruce and I traded emails frequently, and I am going to miss him. This is shocking and terrible news, and the world has lost a true heart and a wonderful human being.

  10. Godspeed, Brother. I will miss our playful banter and your interaction with my posts

  11. If anyone finds a proper obituary online, please leave a link here.

  12. Thanks for letting us know, Stan. Bruce was a familiar user on TYWKIWDBI and justacarguy. He will be missed.

  13. More comments on his passing at the Chevy SSR Forum https://www.ssrfanatic.com/threads/xoxoxobruce-rip.271831/

  14. I'm a long-time reader of the blog, and enjoy the comment section just as much as the content shared from you, Stan. Bruce's passing caused me to double-take the title. I found his input on these posts to be a great contribution. Condolences to his family and loved ones. Sounds like he was well-known in many circles.



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