03 June 2024

The astronaut wears Prada

"In a press release, Axiom said Prada would bring expertise with materials and manufacturing to the project.

One astronaut told the BBC he thought Prada was up to the challenge due to their design experience.  That experience has been built not only on the catwalks of Milan but also through Prada's involvement in the America's Cup sailing competition.

"Prada has considerable experience with various types of composite fabrics and may actually be able to make some real technical contributions to the outer layers of the new space suit," according to Professor Jeffrey Hoffman, who flew five Nasa missions and has carried out four spacewalks."


  1. This really isn't surprising if you're aware of the large role Playtex had in creating early spacesuits. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/what-did-playtex-have-to-do-with-neil-armstrong-16588944/


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