29 June 2024

Is there any way for me to rescue this thumb drive?

This message appears whenever I insert an old thumb drive into my iMac.   It is a THKAILAR  64GB USB C flash drive loaded with memorabilia photos.  I don't know how it was damaged - most likely I removed it before formally "ejecting" it.  

Not a major tragedy, but hoping for a workaround.  


  1. Your best bet is probably running first aid in the disk utility in the settings.

    Data and hardware rot is so annoying.

  2. Right click and choose "Format" drive than choose "Restore Device defaults", I juust had to do it for a USB driver earlier today, first time I tried it but worked great.

  3. Hi, I was able to recover photos from a damaged SD card by using a software program called RescuePRO.

    Link to get it:

    Good luck!

  4. You also have the possibility of sending it to a commercial recovery company. They are pretty darn good at getting stuff off of all kinds of media, depending on how much you're willing to pay.
    There's also the possibility that someone running Linux (or even windows) may be able to read it depending on what the damage is.

  5. To start with, write protect it. Then try whatever channels you have available to see if anything can read it. If they helpfully try to auto-'fix' the damage, or auto-format, they'll be prevented. Once you've exhausted these options, then you may have to let a tool of your choosing meddle with in, but it should be when YOU decide that's necessary, not on a whim of an untrustworthy OS. Linux can generally be trusted not to change anything unilaterally. Windows and Mac OS, lol no.

  6. Richard "RichiH" HartmannJune 30, 2024 at 9:32 AM

    With all due respect to the other posters, do not follow their advice.

    Use http://macobserver.com/tips/how-to/install-ddrescue-mac/ to make an image of the stick first. Ideally make a copy of the image just to be extra safe. Then use http://cgsecurity.org/ to work on the image. This procedure ensures that you do not make anything worse.

    You have my email, search for RichiH, in case you need more information. For warning, my email is overfull, I might miss it.

    1. Richard "RichiH" HartmannJune 30, 2024 at 11:22 AM

      Fair, not for

      PS: I have recovered dozens of hard disks, SSDs, thumb drives, etc with those tools. I did it under Linux, but it's better to stay with the system you know.

  7. Try a few other computers, including switching operating systems (Windows/Apple/Linux). They all have different threshold for what they will and will not read. Different USD ports also function differently with different devices.

    So much for the reliability of microelectronics.

  8. Thank you to everyone. I haven't tried anything yet; will leave a followup message here perhaps next week or so.

  9. just put in the freezer for 2 hours- should work fine


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