28 May 2020

Drones document new geoglyphs near Nazca

As reported in The Guardian:
Isla, now Peru’s chief archaeologist for the lines, spent hours poring through archives, before returning to Peru – armed with a drone and a lifetime of local field experience – to find it. After several false starts, it took just two weeks to find the 25-by-65-metre image which had been hiding in plain sight in the hills of Palpa, about 30 miles north of Nazca, in a huge expanse of desert in southern Peru. 
The design carved into the hillside depicts a terrifying mythological beast, part orca but with a human arm holding a trophy head and several more heads inside its body
New research with drones has helped uncover hundreds of such figures carved in the desert near the lines in Nazca but which predate them by as much as 1,500 years. The archaeologists leading the effort now believe that the anthropomorphic orca figure fills in a missing link between hundreds of older geoglyphs and the Nazca culture’s desert etchings. 
The smaller forms were etched on hillsides in nearby Palpa by the Paracas and Topará cultures between 500BC and AD200... 
Placing these geoglyphs on the slopes means that, in contrast with the Nazca Lines, you can see them if you are standing in the valley below where life and agriculture is taking place,” he said. 
“If the Nazca Lines were made by humans for the gods, these figures were made by humans for humans,” explained Castillo, a former minister of culture for Peru. “They are clearly representations of identifiable people. They are demarcating territories.”

"Wear A Mask" PSA created for New York City

Via BoingBoing.

Protective shield for optometry office fashioned as safety glasses

Posted by the person who crafted it, at the DesignPorn subreddit, where he mentions the method used.

Biden: "I'm going to beat Joe Biden"

This latest "senior moment" occurs at the 10:10 mark in this CNBC interview.

Personally, I cannot accept that Donald Trump and Joe Biden represent the two persons most qualified to be President of the United States.  It is apparent to me that both parties (party voters and party leadership) have opted to put up the candidate they think is most likely to win, not the candidate who is most qualified to lead this country in a time of major crisis.  Tragic.

Addendum:  A more sympathetic interpretation is that what he meant to say was "I'm going to BE Joe Biden."

Catfishing man accidentally uploads selfie

I had to look up catfishing:
Catfishing is a deceptive activity where a person creates a sockpuppet presence or fake identity on a social networking service, usually targeting a specific victim for abuse or fraud. Catfishing is often employed for romance scams on dating websites. The practice may be used for financial gain, to compromise a victim in some way, or simply as forms of trolling or wish fulfillment. Catfishing media has been produced, often centering around victims who wish to identify their catfisher. Celebrities have been targeted, which has brought media attention to catfishing practices... 
Catfishing is used for multiple reasons. An internet user uses a fake identity to persuade another to believe they are the person they portray. This often is used for relationships, such as the scenario in the movie Catfish. The person catfishing usually uses another real person's photos and life facts to make them appear as a real person. Often, the real person who is being used for the fake identity does not even know that they are having their pictures and name used. They are not aware that their identity was used to create these fake relationships online. The person uses catfishing in order to appear as a better version of themselves by using a fake identity. Their primary reason to appear as a fake person is to befriend the other person for a relationship or other sexual reasons. It can also be used as a way to cyberbully someone online. By using a fake identity, it is easy for the person to get away with bullying on the internet. Since they are using another person's identity or a made up identity, the person will not get in trouble and will not have any consequences. The cyberbullying cannot be traced back to them, which is a big reason why they use a fake identity in the first place. This type of cyberbullying has increased the number of suicides in teens over the past few years
Some relevant discussion at the Facepalm subreddit.

American arrogance on display

Commentary at the Facepalm subreddit.

How to rescue a wet book

The audio is irrelevant and distracting.

Looting in a Minneapolis Target store

Dozens of people loot the Target store near Minneapolis Police's 3rd Precinct building in the midst of the George Floyd protest. from r/ActualPublicFreakouts
It's inexpressably sad to see this happening in my old home town.

27 May 2020


Ouse Valley viaduct in West SussexVia.

But... Vy not a chicken?

Any vowel can become a "schwa"

Via Neatorama.

Soliciting input from the neighbors

Legendary blogger John Farrier posted this at Neatorama.  It's a thoughtful gesture by the homeowners, and the scannable QR form included other options, including colors not shown and "By checking [this box] you indicate you have no opinion on the color of our house, but you just like doing random surveys."

Apparently the image went viral and the internet was able to access the survey form, resulting in a deluge of comments - which effectively negated the opinions of the neighbors who actually pass by the house.


Fact-checking done correctly

Atlantic fact-checking editor Yvonne Rolzhausen walks us through her fact-checking routine, a process that continues, sometimes for months, until she and her team have confirmed every last line.
"Every checker has a different system but I’m old-fashioned and still work on paper. I format the piece with wide margins so I can clearly keep track of which source is responsible for which fact. Months later, I need to be able to see the backup for everything. I then underline all the facts that have to be checked in red pencil. Proper names are highlighted. Legal sections are noted in red marker with lots of circled stars to indicate a need for triple-checking. Anything that I have confirmed gets a check mark through it—and, oh, the lovely satisfaction of making a check mark! The checked text disappears into the background, allowing me to focus on the lingering unchecked text. If I’m worried about a detail and want to discuss with the author, I’ll highlight it in yellow, and list possible solutions on a sticky note. After Graeme and I agreed on a change, I circled it with a red pen..." 
More at The Atlantic. The world needs more of this.

Treasure found in a coal bin

"Funny story is that i sold the 4 tons of coal that was inside to random people that dug it out of the container under no particuliar surveillance but they didnt found it under all the coal dust at the bottom. In french law they should have split it in half with me, if they told me about it anyway. :D" 
The image below shows the bin. Apparently as he was selling off the coal, he or the customers busted the concrete walls of the bin to be able to access the contents.

The coins are dated 1947.

26 May 2020

Divertimento #180 (gifs)

The Golden Gate "zipper"
World oil production, 1970s to now
Scary as hell dashcam footageAnother one.
"Hamster wheel" for human babies
Lady destroys a child's chalk drawings
"Dragon's breath" ice cream
A young girl learns a Star Wars secret
Carpet cleaner with upholstery attachment used on toy
Magic trick with coin and matchbox
Worldwide child mortality 1900 to present
Switch on a cog railway
Man intentionally pushes a bicyclist off the road into the ditch

Nature and science
Controlled burn of black poplar fluff in Spain
Putrefied whale carcass explodes
Bioluminescent mushroom
Magnetic field demonstrated

"I don't believe your science"
People protesting a closed gym prove they don't need a gym open

Baby woodcocks learning to lure earthworms.  See also flamingoes feeding.
Monitor vs. garden hose
Leaping lynx (I may have posted this before, but it's worth a repeat)
A bobcat performs a similar leap
Hand-feeding a Nautilus
Sand viper conceals itself
Flicker vs. starling
Dolphins stunning fish with a tail flick
Head stabilization of a cheetah
Yet another cute cat video
Brushing the teeth of a hippopotamus
Woodpecker eats a dove's brains

ASMR vlogger tries to eat an octopus alive.  Octopus fights back.
Outboard motor goes to a watery grave

Impressive or clever
Parrot unlocks a safe
How not to get paint on the rim of the can
Table transforms into bench and vice versa
Hammock facilitates dog grooming
A compilation of "dad reflexes"
Machine converts logs into veneer
Man draws a circle.  That's all.
Awesome outdoor model railway

Sports and athleticism
"Nailed it!"
Distraction for a basketball free-throw shooter

Humorous or cheerful
Saturday Night Live's "Mother's Day commercials"
"Harry Potter and the Return of the Receipt"
Elderly widower receives a special gift
Girl pranks her momAnother one.
Thieves break into a house
"Stickman" Halloween costume goes awry

The embedded images are regional flags of Russia, from a large gallery at Radio Free Europe, via the always-has-something-interesting Dark Roasted Blend.

25 May 2020

"Beef rainbows" explained

I eat beef, and see these frequently.  Never thought much about them until I encountered an Atlantic article that explains how they are formed:
There's enough speculation over the integrity of rainbow beef that the USDA's website has a section on "Iridescent Color of Roast Beef" near similar topics like "What does 'natural?' mean" and "what is beef?" According to the USDA, "When light hits a slice of meat, it splits into colors like a rainbow." This is something called a "diffraction grating," essentially what happens when light waves bend or spread around a surface and create a pattern. It's the same thing that happens to make rainbows on the surface of a DVD. It's understandable that folks mistake diffracted light as a sign of spoilage...
Reposted from 2013 to add this photo of a white-lipped python -

- as another example or iridescence in the natural world.

"This is why the whole concept of tests are not necessarily great"

"Trump administration officials spent the weekend scrambling after two staffers tested positive for coronavirus, bringing the pandemic closer to President Donald Trump even as he works to reopen parts of the country. On Saturday and Sunday, aides attempted to conduct contact tracing for Katie Miller, Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary who tested positive for coronavirus last week."

"Plant and pray"

Farmers have always planted and prayed.  In the past they prayed for good weather and minimal pests/plant diseases.  Now they pray for other farms to fail.
Corn farmers are throwing another government-backed Hail Mary this year, planting more of the crop than in 2019 even though prices are near the bottom of a six-year slump
“They call it plant and pray,” said Al Kluis, a commodities broker in Wayzata. “What you want is a disaster in some other part of the Corn Belt or some other country.”.. 
The U.S. Department of Agriculture now projects a record corn harvest in 2020... Demand can’t keep up with supply. Corn futures hovered around $3.15 per bushel last week, nearly a dollar less than a year ago... 
Farmers came into the spring with a large inventory of corn in storage, and demand for the commodity has been hit on multiple fronts since the onset of coronavirus. 
Ethanol plants have shuttered due to decisions by the Trump administration to exempt oil companies from ethanol standards and, more recently, the cratered demand for all types of fuel caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Ethanol production is running about 70% of capacity, Kluis said. 
Meanwhile, the shutdown of restaurants and idling of meatpacking plants that have led to farmers euthanizing chickens and hogs means the need for corn to feed livestock will probably drop about 20%... 
He acknowledged that the best thing for Minnesota corn farmers would be a weather catastrophe in some other part of the Corn Belt or Brazil or Argentina
“That’s a disheartening part about production agriculture right now, is you only really have success if some other farmer has a bad year,” he said... 
Also, crop insurance, which is 60% taxpayer subsidized, sets guaranteed revenue for corn at $3.88 per bushel this year.  “Without crop insurance, there’s not a bank around that would loan any money to a farmer,” Thalmann said.

Make do with what you have

Fix the dam infrastructure! - updated x2

Thousands of people in the U.S. may be at risk from dams that are rated in poor or unsatisfactory condition. An AP analysis found 1,688 dams in these conditions are high hazard, meaning their failure can cause human death.
An Associated Press interactive graphic shows the location of dangerous dams in the United States.  My part of the country doesn't have many, but my old stomping grounds back in Kentucky and Indiana are just riddled with them.

Note the graphic is interactive, so not only can you zoom to your area, but you can hover the mouse for the information shown in the top image.

I am so very, very tired of this bullshit.  American politicians have been kicking the can down the road for way too many election cycles.  Someone has to raise taxes and fix these things.  Maybe it will require electing a Socialist to get these problems corrected.

Reposted from just a month ago to add new information and a different perspective.   The source I originally cited was picked up by our local Wisconsin State Journal, which then posted an article about the dams at risk in the state of Wisconsin.

We've had significant problems, because in recent years alterations in the climate have resulted in multiple hundred-year flooding events, some of which washed out local dams, exacerbating the flooding damage:

When I wrote this original post for TYWKIWDBI, I concluded with a brief rant about elected officials who are reluctant to increase taxes to pay for upgrades (or basic maintenance) to infrastructure.  What I have now learned from the Wisconsin State Journal article is that federal, state, and local governments are not solely to blame, because many of the at-risk dams in Wisconsin were privately built.
Wisconsin has only six dams considered a risk to human safety that are in poor condition, according to data compiled by The Associated Press. Even so, eight dams in the state were washed out by record-setting rainfalls last year...

The association estimates it would take more than $70 billion to repair and modernize the nation’s more than 90,000 dams. But unlike much other infrastructure, most U.S. dams are privately owned. That makes it difficult for regulators to require improvements from operators who are unable or unwilling to pay the steep costs.

“Most people have no clue about the vulnerabilities when they live downstream from these private dams,” said Craig Fugate, a former administrator at the Federal Emergency Management Agency. “When they fail, they don’t fail with warning. They just fail, and suddenly you can find yourself in a situation where you have a wall of water and debris racing toward your house with very little time, if any, to get out.”..

All eight dams [Wisconsin dams that failed] were in fair or satisfactory condition, according to the DNR.
They all failed during extreme rain events,” said Tanya Lourigan, state dam safety engineer for the Wisconsin DNR. “They don’t have a history of being in poor condition and being neglected.”
Micheel said the historic rainfall revealed a design flaw in the dams, which are highest in the center. When spillways can’t keep up and water overtops the dam, that slope focused the rushing water toward one side of the dam, where it quickly ate into the hillside.
Investigations showed that the clay structures themselves held, but the sandstone they were attached to gave way. “They did their job for 50 years,” Micheel said. “Nobody ever envisioned them overtopping. The overtopping showed the weakness.”..

One of the goals is to install weather monitoring stations and warning systems. Another is to re-evaluate the 100-year floodplains based on current land use and rainfall patterns and how best to manage them.
“We need to change what we’re doing here,” Micheel said. “It isn’t going away.”
Mea culpa for jumping to conclusions (it's one of the few forms of exercise that bloggers get).

Reposted from five months ago to add this video of the devastation caused by the breakage of the dams in Michigan this past week:

Note these were private dams.
Unlike roads and bridges, the majority of the nation’s dams are privately owned, including about 75 percent of the dams in Michigan, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers. Many private dam owners do not finance regular rehabilitation projects, according to the ASCE. And if dams lose their federal licensing — and thus their power revenue — there often isn’t a clear mechanism to pay for needed repairs and upkeep. 
The ASCE gave the nation’s 95,000 dams a D grade in its most recent infrastructure report card. Their average age is 56, and as the population grows, more dams — like the Edenville and Sanford structures that failed in Michigan — are designated “high hazard,” because of the potential for their failure to result in loss of life. The Association of State Dam Safety Officers (ASDSO) has identified 2,000 dams that are in deficient condition and carry a high hazard rating... 
Many older dams have lost the purpose for which they were built: generating electricity or running mills. According to an American Rivers database, more than 1,700 such dams have been removed, including five last year in Michigan. 
And note this:
The company said that it has been working for years to manage the water levels in the lake the dam holds back, but it ended up in a dispute with homeowners in the area who were dismayed when water levels went too low for recreational use — and they sued to keep water levels higher. The state’s attorney general also sued, alleging that the low water levels were having a negative environmental impact. 
Boyce said the moves to keep water levels higher were among the main reasons the dams failed this week....

22 May 2020

The arboretum in May

Yesterday I hiked at the University of Wisconsin's arboretum here in Madison.  May is a favorite time to visit because of the arboretum's famous collection of lilacs.  In fact, yesterday (Thursday) the parking lot was absolutely full - none of the "social distancing" between cars I noted back in April.  The only other time I've seen the parking lot full has been for the annual native plant sales.  I think the lockdown is triggering more arboretum visits, and social distancing is not difficult with the immense acreage available (about half the visitors I encountered were wearing masks).

As shown above, the cool spring has retarded the blossoming of the lilacs, so after a quick walk-through to sample some fragrances I moved past the lilac collection to the fruit trees.

I didn't take time to ascertain which ones are cherry vs. apple vs. crabapple etc.  It's a stunning visual treat to see all of these bursting into bloom.

Apologies for the relatively low-resolution images, because I hiked with only my cell phone, not with the proper digital camera I have used for some of the autumn foliage hikes.

In addition to the fragrance and the colors, there is an interesting variety of conformations of the fruiting trees.  Some, like the one above, may be naturally splayed out, but the one below has clearly had its lower branches trimmed by the arboretum staff.

I didn't realize a tree that young could be pruned that extensively.  You learn something every day.

Beyond the fruit trees is the collection of maples - a favorite destination in the autumn, but even the spring foliage is impressive, as illustrated by the contrast between the lime green and the deep purple in the two maples above.

Some azaleas still in bloom, and then on the way back to my car I encountered a tree I had never noticed before:

This mountain silverbell is not native to Wisconsin, but apparently has tolerated our winters because it was huge.  Conveniently, there was one branch near the label displaying the iconic downward-hanging blossoms.

As I drove home, I decided that my love for flowering trees probably dates back to imprinting when I was a toddler.  I was born in Washington, D.C. because the Navy stationed my dad there after the war.  Every spring without fail, mom and dad took me to visit the cherry blossoms.  In the photo above near the Jefferson Memorial I was less than a year old, and the one below, also in the Tidal Basin, I was two and a half years old.

One final thought.  The trees will be here all year, but the blossoms are ephemeral.  Any readers living within a half-day drive of Madison who don't take advantage of this remarkable facility in May are missing out on a visual and olfactory treat.  I strongly encourage a visit soon (or to your local arboretum).

Loon-on-eagle haliacide

A lake on the outskirts of Portland, Maine, became a highly unusually scene last summer when a kayaker happened upon a dead bald eagle floating face down, pierced through the heart... It’s the first documented case of loon-on-eagle haliacide (Haliaeetus leucocephalus being the Latin name for bald eagles)... The scene also included a dead loon chick... 
An autopsy report revealed that the puncture wound in the eagle’s chest was consistent with the size and shape of a loon’s bill... male loons in particular will defend their territory from interlopers by diving below the water and then propelling themselves up to jab at their foes. Loons are often marked with scars from these kinds of attacks... 
“We have seen lots of instances where eagles and loons are interacting in this way, [where] an eagle is going after either adults or their chicks, and loons trying to defend themselves or defend their chicks. This is the first instance that we know of where an eagle was actually killed by a loon.” 
Loons also aren’t afraid to stand up to people...
More details at Gizmodo.  Posted for my friends up at Leech Lake.

Your next dental visit will be very different

I've been wondering about this, because of all the aerosols generated by dental instruments.  Slate has the story:
Reopened offices will need a sanitation upgrade. Until COVID-19, practices followed protocols that are largely designed to stop the spread of bloodborne illnesses, because they were developed during the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 1980s. But the way certain dental procedures can make saliva into aerosols makes dentists’ offices a prime environment for dispersing an airborne pathogen like the coronavirus. The coronavirus often infects people via saliva droplets; many dental instruments spray saliva, and the diseased particles can remain suspended in a mist for hours. Fillings, root canals, and other procedures that involve the use of drills and ultrasonic scalers, a cleaning tool that clears away tartar and plaque by vibrating, tend to produce aerosols. Teeth polishing can also result in saliva spray. 
Here is how your appointment might go, from the moment you sit in the chair. You’ll likely have two people working on you at a time—a technique known as “four-handed dentistry”—in order to speed up the procedures and control the amount of spit that gets into the air. You may see a high-evacuation suction device, which looks a bit like a vacuum cleaner, near your face; it will draw in air from the general vicinity and remove infectious material. “It has an extension that we put right in front of the patient,” says Melisande Wolff, a dentist in West Palm Beach, Florida, who reopened her practice on May 4. “Any extra aerosol that gets past the suction devices that my assistant is already using will get picked up by that.” You also might spot HEPA air purifiers, which use a very fine mesh to catch particles. 
Your dentist might have you wear a rubber dam over the bottom half of your face...

High school seniors paint their assigned parking spots


QAnon believer wins Oregon GOP primary

My cousin in Oregon forwarded me this story about local politics:
A QAnon conspiracy theorist won the GOP Senate primary in Oregon on Tuesday, giving a massive electoral stage to the bizarre pro-Trump movement that the FBI considers a potential domestic terror threat.  Jo Rae Perkins, an insurance agent and avowed QAnon believer, handily won the contest to take on Sen. Jeff Merkley (D) in the general election. Perkins, who has launched unsuccessful Senate and House bids in the past, beat her nearest Republican primary opponent by nearly 20 percentage points on Tuesday. 
To celebrate, Perkins tweeted a video acknowledging the support she had received from QAnon believers. The victory speech included references to QAnon slogan “Where we go one, we go all,” QAnon followers who call themselves “Anons,” and “Q,” the anonymous person or group whose “clues” make up the basis of QAnon.  
“I stand with President Trump, I stand with Q and the team,” Perkins said, holding up a sign with a QAnon slogan on it. “Thank you Anons, thank you patriots.”... 
QAnon supporters believe in an elaborate conspiracy theory that posits that Donald Trump is engaged in a secret war against a “cabal” made up pedophile-cannibals in the global elite and Democratic Party. They are also convinced that Trump will soon imprison or execute top Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama
Despite its bizarre claims, QAnon has won prominent converts, including comedian Roseanne Barr, former baseball player Curt Schilling, and several Instagram influencers. Donald Trump has invited QAnon promoters to the White House, and frequently retweets them.
More details at The Daily Beast.

Related:  My father, the QAnon conspiracy theorist.

21 May 2020

Frog adhering to glass


Library sign could be lifesaving

The via doesn't provide the name of the library.

How to block ads on a smart TV

"YSK if you own a Samsung smart TV that has ads, you can block them by adding ads.samsung.com to your block list on your internet router."
Discussion thread in the YouShouldKnow subreddit has lots of details, including info on blocking ads on other devices.

Our house doesn't have a smart TV, so I can't vouch for the validity of the suggestions at the link.  Comments from readers are welcome.

Props to Scotland

As reported in The Independent:
Scotland has become the latest country to block companies based in tax havens from accessing coronavirus bailout funds, in a move that will increase pressure on Boris Johnson’s government to introduce similar measures. 
MSPs approved new rules on Wednesday night that will mean companies that are registered in tax havens, or are a subsidiary of an offshore company, cannot apply for government grants. 
France, Belgium, Denmark, Poland, Wales and Argentina have applied similar policies to their coronavirus business-support packages... 
Patrick Harvie, the Scottish Green Party co-leader, said: “Any company which avoids its responsibility to contribute to society should not be getting handouts when things go wrong. That’s why many European nations and Wales have already made this commitment. 
“I’m delighted that ministers finally saw sense on this basic issue of fairness. This move isn’t the final word, but it marks the beginning of a new approach to tackling the companies which shamelessly avoid paying tax, and we will continue to build on what’s been achieved today.”
Discussion here indicates doubts the U.K. will follow suit.

"Props" explained.

19 May 2020

Proboscis monkeys

Excerpts from a longread at the always-interesting Hakai Magazine:
Composure aside, the proboscis monkey is most famous for its looks. The female has a sweet face with an upturned nose; bright, wide-open eyes; a pudgy belly. The male is more … striking. A pronounced brow cloaks his eyes and his nose can reach an impressive 17.5 centimeters long—a smidge longer than an iPhone X—a protuberance straight out of a Roald Dahl book. Bulbous. Fleshy. Floppy. His stomach is so Dahlishly pronounced, it’s perhaps the best example ever of the word potbelly. The paunch, the hooded eyes, and the fur piled on his shoulders like loose skin add to the furry–old man look... 
Confirmation bias has undermined our understanding of the monkey: researchers assumed the proboscises prefer water because boats were the main method of human travel for most of Borneo’s history. Conveniently, they saw the monkeys in trees on ocean and river shorelines at dawn and dusk, and pushing further into the forest seemed unnecessary... 
The Kinabatangan proboscis monkeys are also, so far, the only primate known to chew their cud—they regurgitate a meal to chew it again, like cows.. They found that seeds traveling through a proboscis’s gut were much more likely to germinate than the other seeds. Also, seeds from unripe fruit were more likely to germinate than seeds from ripe fruit. So, given their use of habitat, proboscis monkeys were providing a service: they were dispersing intact seeds far from the parent plant to suitable riverine habitats...
In a group of studies that took over 15 years, Matsuda and others on Team Proboscis found the best evidence yet to explain the big nose: the ladies like it. The bigger the male, the bigger the nose and the bigger the testes
More photos and a couple gifs at the link.  And I recommend exploring the rest of the magazine.

Excellent lecture on Monarch biology and ecology

This is a one-hour comprehensive presentation by Karen Oberhauser, currently the Director of the University of Wisconsin's arboretum; she was one of the founders of the nationwide Monarch Joint Venture.  The level of discussion is directed toward adults, including the Master Gardeners in south-central Wisconsin.

Hallway tiles optical illusion

"Several articles online state that the design was made to prevent people from running/making loud noises, however turns out that the tile company addressed this matter here. Turns out they "needed to have an entrance that would make our customers really remember their visit to and something that showcased what can be achieved with tiles." 
(view from the other direction).  Via.

Entitlement and inconvenience

Discussed at the BlackPeopleTwitter subreddit.

"You may be entitled to no financial compensation"

Discussed at the WhitePeopleTwitter subreddit.

Offered without comment

"The Los Angeles County jail inmates had one goal in mind: get infected with the novel coronavirus so they could be released from custody. And they were going to do it together.  
One by one last month, groups of inmates inside the North County Correctional Facility in Castaic, Calif., drank from the same hot-water bottle and sniffed out of one face mask before passing it to the next guy for his turn, according to surveillance footage released Monday by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department..."
 The story continues at The Washington Post.

18 May 2020

The tomb of Ramesses VI

Via.  Better yet, here a link to a high definition walk-through of the tomb.  Use your mouse to turn left and right - and remember to look up at the ceiling.  Awesome.

This awesome bourbon collection

The discussion thread indicates that some of these bottles are outrageously expensive, but I note that the owner doesn't have a bottle of my favorite Evan Williams bourbon, which he could find at his local Target store.

And I bet he would disapprove of my mixing the Evan Williams with Diet Coke.

Coronavirus conspiracy poster

Who the fuck creates crap like this???  Seriously.

I totally understand that there are individuals who are ignorant or deluded into fearing vaccinations.   And religious zealots who long for or anticipate the end times.  And there are technophobes who fear 5G and RFID and Bill Gates as elements of a deep state. 

But who creates this "sum of all fears" poster?

Then there's the work and the expense and the time to assemble this into a poster to be mounted in public places.  Somebody or some entities believe they can potentially benefit from stirring irrational fears in the public.

The YouTube link in the poster goes to a 2014 video.

Is this just a prank by someone mocking the fears?  Is it part of a Russian disinformation campaign to foment unrest in American society?

I don't know who to be mad at.

Image via the Facepalm subreddit, where the discussion wanders all over the place.

Treating burned animals with fish (tilapia) skins

Photo via Reddit.  I had to Google to find a mainstream story in People.
When it became clear that Archer [the burn victim dog] would need more help to heal than she could provide, Dr. Oakley reached out to Dr. Jamie Peyton, a burn specialist at The University of California, Davis, for advice. The specialist recommended a newer treatment, where the skins from tilapia are placed on burns to promote healing, and even came up to the Archer’s hometown to show Dr. Oakley how the treatment worked...
The Chicago Tribune reported in January that Dr. Oakley was headed to Australia to help out with treatment of animals burned in the wildfires there.

Stairway lighting

Artistic or photographic credit to Skurk.

This one resonated with me because in my junior year at college 50+ years ago, my term paper for Bio10b was entitled "Visual Adaptations of Deep-Sea Teleosts," an in-depth analysis of retinal adaptations (rod/cone elongation, transmutation, concentration, summation), tapeta, sighting grooves etc etc.  It was the type of paper for which one spends literally hundreds of hours mastering subject matter that will never have even a smidgeon of relevance to one's future career, but that one can still look back at with a measure of satisfaction.

For those interested: more on anglerfish.

"Obamagate" explained

A more detailed explanation is available in an editorial at The Washington Post:
IN THE 2016 presidential race, then-candidate Donald Trump often deflected questions about his shortcomings by hyping those of his opponent, Hillary Clinton. The point was to make his behavior seem no more abhorrent than his rival’s. 
Mr. Trump is trying the same tactic against presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, latching onto a new diversion: “Obamagate.” This one is totally untethered from reality, despite the credulous or cynical efforts of senior Republicans and conservative media to advance it. 
Mr. Trump’s precise allegation is hazy. But the apparent accusation is that, following Mr. Trump’s 2016 victory, Obama officials plotted to ensnare the incoming Trump administration in a Russia scandal...
And in an article at The Bulwark.

16 May 2020

Interesting video about animation

Via Neatorama.

Newborns stranded by coronavirus

"A nurse cares for newborn babies at the Venice hotel [Kyiv, Ukraine]. More than 100 babies born to surrogate mothers have been stranded in Ukraine because their foreign parents are unable collect them as a result of border closures imposed during the coronavirus pandemic."
One of the photographs of the week at The Guardian.  Credit: Sergei Supinsky/AFP/Getty Image.
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