23 June 2024

Anne in Alaska's bookcases

It is great fun to see the bookcases (and collections). My house is decorated in bookcases and maps, for the most part. In our humid climate, bookcases are against inside walls only.

Here are topically organized shelves, Chess set (tournament size) on the top, then some theory books, mountaineering guides and reports, bicycling, geology and ecology. 
Full length shot of the pine board bookcases built by DearHusband, decades ago now. This one is filled with favorites (Nevil Shute and Robert Heinlein on top shelf, and Make Way for Ducklings and Paddingtom Bear on the bottom)
Shakespeare, Owen Wister, TH White, Madeline L'Engle (new addition - that's a graphic version).


  1. Just bought that graphic novel version for my 13 yr old niece's Christmas present. Thinking I should have bought a copy for myself :)

  2. Nevil Shute is someone I haven't read in years. I loved "A Town Like Alice", which I read when I was much younger.

    I think the fabric art in the first photo is charming. Did you make it?

    1. Anne in Alaska says: a gift from my friend in Anchorage


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