Curiously not even finishing her current term. More on this later, but for the moment I couldn't pass up the opportunity to use this screenshot from Sunset Boulevard.
Video of her somewhat meandering public announcement here.**
Update: Daily Kos cites Brad Blog that the resignation is in anticipation of a major scandal involving public funds :
...possible federal indictments against Palin, concerning an embezzlement scandal related to the building of Palin's house and the Wasilla Sports Complex, built during her tenure as Mayor...Sounds a bit like Ted Stevens redux. Think Progress has a similar report. I think I'll let this subject matter go, and redirect TYWKIWDBI to other matters; this topic will be well covered in hundreds of other blogs.
But I still like that photo and its caption...
**Addendum - here's the transcript of her announcement from her own website. See if you can find her reason for resigning explained in there. I can't. No one else seems to be able to.
Ted Stevens was cleared after the election, or at least the case dropped due to prosecutorial misconduct.