30 September 2024

An ALL-CAPS rant includes "execution of a baby after birth."

Top image credit Justin Sullivan/Getty Images via The Guardian.  Text image via Mediaite.

Seeking input from the Trump apologists who are readers here.  What does he mean when he refers to 
"Democrat demanded late term abortion in the 7th, 8th, or 9th month, or even execution of a baby after birth."??  This phrase can't be written off as "just joking" or "misquoted."  It's beyond hyperbole to the point of being outright fantasy.  

Word for the day: deranged.  Etymology from the French dérangé ("disturbed").  Definitions: 1) Disturbed or upset, especially mentally. 2) Insane.  3)Malfunctioning or inoperative.   Anagrams: grenaded, dangered, nadgered, gandered, gardened ("nadgered" apparently Britspeak equivalent to "knackered",  new to me).


  1. beyond the complete divorcedness from reality of his diatribe, it’s also at odds with other GOP strategies when it comes to women’s vote: advising them to let the husband vote for the household and not vote themselves. (https://www.comicsands.com/tiktoker-arizona-ad-husbands-vote-2669280382.html with a hat tip to george takei on mastodon)

    so, either women have every reason to want to vote for another trump presidency (as he appears to believe. at least while he was typing his missive), and then one would think the party wants them to bring their vote to bear, or women as a demographic are more likely to vote for the sensible candidate (as per 2016 voter demographics) and thus they have to get urged to abstain from voting.

    my money for most likely explanation is on your word of the day.


  2. Appears to be a reference to voluntary late term abortion. Not that it matters, since the issue is in states' hands.

    1. Do you consider the procedure "voluntary" if the circumstances endanger the life of the mother and potentially her child as well?
      I notice he doesn't address the issue of women bleeding out in cars because they've been denied care at emergency rooms.

  3. Partial-birth abortion (PBA) is the term Congress has used to describe a procedure that crosses the line from abortion to infanticide. The doctor delivers a substantial portion of the living child outside his mother's body --- the entire head in a head-first delivery or the trunk past the navel in a feet-first delivery --- then kills the child by crushing his skull or removing his brain by suction.

    1. I am a gynecologist with over 30 years experience, and “partial birth abortion” does not exist. No one does this. No one.

  4. It is/was just the truth that a child can be aborted up to the moment it is born. One odd thing about abortion is that those who are FOR it are reluctant to place ANY bounds on the matter. If we told them that all abortions AFTER the first trimester were illegal (except for the life of the mother and such), they wouldn't agree to is.

    But here's where it gets even wilder....

    Those AGAINST abortion, even though it would save the lives of the babies, if told that abortion will be limited to the first six weeks in return for pro-lifers agreeing to permit all abortions under six weeks...they would refuse it.

    It's simply not enough for either side to gain something. No, it's a zero-sum game.

    Do notice that Trump didn't say it was the law (to my memory) to allow such heinous abortions, but rather that some SUPPORT it. In truth, if partial-birth abortion is permitted, what's the real difference between aborting the child at nine months...or a short while after birth?

    The gynecologist who claimed there is no such thing as partial birth abortions is either lying or misinformed. There IS a such thing.

    1. The practice has been outlawed since 2003. If someone performs a partial birth abortion, they are a murderer, legally speaking. Do you have any citations for this occurring?

  5. "Dérangé" is "disturbed", not "insane". For example the "Do not disturb" signs you can hang on your French hotel room door say "S.V.P. ne pas deranger" (the S.V.P. being "please"). This is very frequent in French, that the cognate of an intense English word is a perfectly mild French one. "Demander" [deh-mon-day, the -er indicates infinitive verb] for ask, "tranquilizer" for comfort, "grand" for big, "regarder" for look, are others that come quickest to mind.

  6. ..as a European I have to say I'm flabbergasted that apparently still about half of the US intends to vote for this criminal psychopath. Stupid? Un/misinformed? Scared? what is it with these people?!

  7. These comments just confirm for me how most people do not know anything about women's bodies and how reproduction works. There is no "partial birth abortion." Less than 1% of abortions are done in the third trimester and 99% of those are done due to fatal fetal abnormalities which are incompatible with life. Families that choose third trimester abortion are not doing it because they changed their minds about having a child. Please educate yourselves, and by that, I mean go to the Guttmacher Institute's website, not Republican men for your information.

  8. to add an informed person speaking on the matter: https://www.newyorker.com/news/the-new-yorker-interview/warren-hern-americas-abortion-doctor (archived at https://archive.is/8Vq4Z)

    to wit: what’s behind the monicker of ‘partial birth abortion’ (an ideological term, not a medically factual one, and one that got applied to a fringe procedure years back. AaronS is wrong), the situations of abortions that happen past the middle of the second trimester (more accurately called ‘miscarriage management’ or ‘stillbirth management’), the real consequences of post-dobbs medical care (women are dying because the medical care to save their lives can not be administered anymore), and so on.

    and also touching upon trump’s less-than-hinged ramble.



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