04 May 2024

"Florida is filled with trash"

BOCA RATON, Fla. – While many people have expressed outrage over a viral video showing teenagers dumping garbage into the waters off South Florida over the weekend, one of their classmates is sticking up for them.  

A Boca Raton Community High School student who didn’t want to give his name said he was on the boat next to the perpetrators during Sunday’s Boca Bash. That classmate said his fellow students’ actions are being unfairly scrutinized.
Trash happens everywhere, all over the world,” that classmate said. “We are terrorizing 15-year-old kids ‘cause of trash. Yes, I know they are dumb, but at the same time, we all (have) to realize that Florida is filled with trash.”


  1. He's correct, Florida is filled with trash and some of them have boats.

    1. I enjoyed having my morning coffee come through my nose ... thank you, ha! Perfect comment :)

  2. Have them do barefoot laps on Pop Top beach, then ankle tether them to their confiscated boats while they dive on litter pa-troll

  3. There's no good reason for the existence of this boat. A huge, fossil fuel gulping, GHG spewing toy; its manufacture an environmental disaster in itself. Multiply this by 17 million, the number of recreational water craft in the US. One small facet of consumerism gone bonkers. The boat is seen as normal, but the trash dumping is clearly not. But the boat itself should register as even more objectionable than the dumping. Until we see the boat the way we see the trash, there ain't much hope.

  4. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1155988/us-recreational-boating-vessels/
    Statista says in 2022 there were about 11.8 million registered Pleasure boats. Some states register paddle craft, but with no motor they're not a problem.
    Florida is #1 with a little over a million, but I was surprised at #2 being MN, #3 MI, and #4 OH. I'd have guessed CA or a state on the Gulf but I guess the great lakes and a zillion smaller lakes up there is the reason.

    1. xoxoxoBruce, there are lakes in Minnesota that are almost literally ringed with boats/docks. It's visually jarring, bad for the riparian environment and the lake itself. There are efforts underway to limit these excesses.

    2. True: "11.8 million...pleasure boats." 17 million is the gross number, which includes kayaks I suppose, which are not the problem, as much, but we tend to drive 50 miles to put them on the water. I'm guilty as charged.

    3. We have a lot on Lake Memphremagog. Next door is a three seasons stay in place housing trailers 'camp ground', essentially for riche Montrealers. They put in boat docks. Totally ruined the view towards that side of the lake; instead of rolling hills and waves, rolls of docks and boats.

    4. Some developers will dredge harbors in from the shoreline (or dredge out an adjacent slough). This takes the clutter away from the shore (and not coincidentally converts inland wooded lots into profitable "lake access" lots), but it multiplies the lake boating traffic beyond what the original frontage limits established.

  5. See Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg's brand new 287-foot superyacht


    1. In a sound moral culture, this would register loudly and nearly universally as a heinous crime, rather than a personal triumph. It would also cease to function in an apologetic capacity as evidence that my own transgressions are negligible, on a relative basis.

    2. Facebook boy can't keep up with the big boys. 287 foot is a sloop compared to Bezos' boat of 417 ft.


      I've several of these in the Caribbean. They are disgustingly excessive.

      Zuck's old sloop had a heli pad. And he used it. Why are you using a heli when you're boating in the Caribbean? You are missing the point of boating.

      Also, these boats are floating insulation devices designed to keep the owners away from other people. And somehow, we consider it totally normal that these social media leaders avoid contact with other people. And what's the point of going somewhere if you don't get of your boat? Have you really been there then?

    3. I've SEEN several of these....


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